Planning and Architecture

  • Local Place Plans – a big step closer

    7th October 2021 by

    On 7 October 2021 the Scottish Government laid the Town and Country Planning (Local Place Plans) (Scotland) Regulations 2021 (the Regulations) in the Scottish Parliament. Subject to Parliament’s approval, they will come into force on 22 January 2022. The Regulations provide for the preparation, submission and registration of Local Place Plans (LPPs). They are an...

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  • Engagement on Local Place Plans proposals

    26th May 2021 by

    Just before the recent Scottish Parliament election we published proposals for regulations to support the development of Local Place Plans. Accompanying the consultation paper, we published a draft ‘How to’ Guide and asked people to send us comments. You can find out more at The consultation period runs till 25 June 2021. Here we...

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  • Local Place Plans – next steps

    22nd March 2021 by

    Local Place Plans (LPPs) offer the opportunity for a community led, but collaborative, approach to creating great local places. LPPs can support community aspirations on the big challenges for a future Scotland, such as responding to the global climate emergency and tackling inequalities, and help shape local planning policies contained in the Local Development Plan....

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  • National Planning Framework 4 Position Statement – getting involved and having your say

    15th December 2020 by

    We published our NPF4 Position Statement on 26 November 2020, setting out our current thinking towards the production of the next National Planning Framework.   At the same time, we also published an updated Programme for Engagement. This updated document provides a summary of engagement so far and sets out plans and opportunities for continuing...

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  • Galashiels – Strengthening Place by Thinking Small

    9th July 2020 by

    Pre COVID-19, construction was on track for the completion of the Great Tapestry of Scotland (GToS) building designed by Page/Park Architects. It has been architecturally tailored to exhibit the world’s boldest community art projects. The tapestry installation is made-up of 160 hand stitched panels, involved over 1,000 stitchers and tells the story of Scotland’s history...

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  • National Planning Framework 4 Call for Ideas: Evidence now published

    7th July 2020 by

    We have now published the evidence gathered as part of our National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) Call for Ideas.   Our Call for Ideas launched on 9 January and ran to the end of April 2020.   Whilst we were disappointed that our Scotplan Roadshow was cut short, we are extremely pleased with the level of...

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  • Kevin Stewart MSP: What kind of Scotland do we want to see post-lockdown?

    26th June 2020 by

    The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has made many of us reflect on the importance and the value of the places where we live, work, shop and socialise. Now as we begin to come out of lockdown, instead of just getting things back to the way they were before, we have a new opportunity...

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  • Scottish Youth Parliament Event – 27 October 2019 – Dunfermline High School

    1st November 2019 by

    Blog – SYP event 27 Oct 2019 The NPF4 team was delighted to be invited to participate in a discussion with members of the Scottish Youth Parliament to consider the sort of place Scotland can be in 2050. The attached blog provides a summary of the event. #scotplan

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  • Regional Spatial Strategies – exploratory event

    25th October 2019 by

    RSS Event – 2 Oct – summary note A collaborative event, held on 2 October 2019 at the Engine Shed in Stirling, explored arrangements to consider regional spatial strategies that will emerge from the Planning (Scotland) Act. The attached summary note of the day provides links to the various presentations and reflects some of the...

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  • National Planning Framework 4 – Scottish Planning Policy Research.

    9th October 2019 by

    We have today published research by Ironside Farrar relating to the existing Scottish Planning Policy (SPP). The research looks into how effective the existing SPP policies are in influencing the preparation of local development plans and determining planning applications. The SPP will be incorporated into National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). Work is underway on this...

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