Public Procurement and Property
‘Sustainable Procurement Tools’ – new guidance and case studies
March 31, 2022 by Melissa Reilly No Comments | Category Best practice, climate change, net zero, Scottish Procurement, suppliers, Sustainability, Sustainable Procurement, Sustainable Procurement Tools
Updated Climate Change – Adaptation and Carbon in Production guidance is now live on the Sustainable Procurement Tools website. Climate Change – Adaptation is concerned with the procurement of supplies and services that may be vulnerable to the effects of known and anticipated climate change. Carbon in Production is concerned with the procurement of products that are known to be energy/carbon intensive in their production.
These resources provide relevant procurement guidance, aligned with the Procurement Journey and each includes an Annex of example contract clauses and key performance indicators.
New, more user-friendly formatting means users can navigate easily between sections and can download the full guide into a Word document which can be printed and shared with relevant key stakeholders.

Artist impression of the Cross Tay Link Road, Perth and Kinross Council.
A new case study on the procurement of the Cross Tay Link Road by Perth and Kinross Council has also been launched on the Sustainable Procurement Tools. This case study ties in closely with the Carbon in Production guidance and focuses on how the procurement process can be used to achieve a reduction in embodied carbon in construction, as well as other environmental benefits.
You can read more about their procurement process over on the Case Studies section of the Sustainable Procurement Tools website, which can be accessed both by registered and unregistered users of the Tools.
Our Sustainable Procurement Tools have been designed to help public sector organisations identify and address how they can optimise the economic, social and environmental outcomes of their procurement activity. Register to gain access to the free tools.
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Tags: case study, good for society, low carbon, net zero, sustainable procurement tools, sustinability
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