Public Procurement and Property

First-ever Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland Published

April 27, 2023 by No Comments | Category Plan for the Future, Procurement news, Scottish Procurement

Today (27 April 2023) we have published the first-ever Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland. In the short video below, the Strategy is launched by Tom Arthur MSP, Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance. (Transcript available at the bottom of this page). 

Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland 2023 to 2028Developed by a cross sectorial working group, workstream members developed content based on the discussions, ideas and engagement activity. The new Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland is owned by the Public Procurement Group (PPG).  

This provides a clear vision and focused direction, supporting the whole Scottish public procurement community to align, to collaborate and to deliver positive outcomes with real impacts for the people of Scotland. 

Inspired by the collaborative approach taken to develop this strategy, the aspirations it contains reflect how we can collectively drive Public Procurement forward in Scotland.  

This Strategy will allow us to truly maximise the benefits that can be achieved by procurement! It provides a clear vision and focused direction, supporting the whole Scottish public procurement community to align, to collaborate and to deliver positive outcomes with real impacts for the people of Scotland.” Nick Ford, Director of Procurement and Property, Scottish Government 

The Strategy builds on the great work that Procurement has delivered already, and can be seen through the recently published Review of sustainable procurement in Scotland 2002 – 2022. This is an independent review that looks back over the past twenty years of sustainable public procurement in Scotland and other parts of the UK.

Working on the principle of reuse of the information and data that is already collated, the annual report on procurement activity in Scotland will be the key to measuring and monitoring progress towards the Strategic Vision. 

Now that the Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland has been published, collaboratively and collectively there will be moves to align to the strategy. This will take us forward to achieve Public Procurement for a Sustainable Future. 

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Single speaker Transcript (Tom Arthur):

I’m delighted to announce the publication of the first ever Public Procurement Strategy for Scotland.

This strategy outlines the bold and ambitious plans we have for Public Procurement in Scotland.

It is a vision for a sustainable future, providing a clear way forward that all public sector bodies can align to and deliver against.

We must use public spending power to make Scotland a better place to live, work and do business.

How we procure goods, works and services should promote inclusive economic growth, create fair opportunities for all, and accelerate our just transition to a net zero economy.

Inspired by the collaborative approach taken to develop this strategy, the aspirations it contains reflect how we can collectively drive Public Procurement forward in Scotland.

To maximise the impact procurement can have, we must empower our procurement community to be bold, ambitious and innovative.

Working across sectors and boundaries to deliver Scotland’s economic growth now and into the future.

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