Public Procurement and Property

Management Information Platform Scotland: Update to Public Contracts Scotland dashboards 

March 18, 2025 by No Comments | Category PCS, Public Contracts Scotland

We have made a significant update to our Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) dashboards in the Management Information Platform Scotland (MIPS).

All registered PCS buying organisations have been consolidated into a single, streamlined dashboard, which is now live on MIPS. This change is designed to enhance user experience and improve accessibility to the information you need.

If you are an existing user, you can view your organisation’s data by simply selecting it from the drop-down list. This change will make it easier for you to navigate and utilise the dashboard effectively. This also allows you to compare your data to similar organisations in the platform.

Please note that we are limiting the historical data to five years, making sure to include any active contracts that started before that period. This allows for higher data quality and the ability to expand into more in-depth analysis with additional data augmentation. This timeline follows data parameters often used in the Freedom of Information requests and Parliamentary Questions.

If you would like more information on MIPS or would like to become a user, please contact Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate (SPPD) Management Information Shared Service.

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