Written 8 posts
Analytical Exchange 2021
12th February 2021
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician The Analytical Exchange programme matches analysts working in Scotland with voluntary sector organisations requesting help around data, analysis, statistics and research on very short, sharp projects. These can be anywhere between an afternoon to 10 working days. Individuals or small groups of statisticians, economists or researchers then act as analytical…
Bespoke Data Access Requests – an update
28th October 2020
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Over the last few months, we have faced an extraordinary situation in relation to COVID-19 and all the challenges that has brought and we thought it was a good time to touch base regarding our data access arrangements. The current situation has progressed enough to allow a slight decreased in…
Seeking feedback on Research Data Scotland’s core principles
25th August 2020
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician I recently participated in the Administrative Data Research (ADR) Scotland public panel to discuss the development of Research Data Scotland (RDS) and focus specifically on the principles that underpin the new service. The ADR Scotland public panel was created as a vital forum for understanding the views and perspectives…
The Scottish COVID-19 Data and Intelligence Network
18th August 2020
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician For Scotland to continue to develop an approach to minimising the health, social and economic risks from COVID-19, we need robust and responsive evidence to make informed, real-time decisions in relation to the pandemic and to learn as we go. For this reason, we have set-up the Scottish COVID-19…
Our response to COVID-19
28th May 2020
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician I wanted to share an update on how Research Data Scotland is supporting the national response to COVID-19. RDS’s mission remains to improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing in Scotland by enabling access to and linkage of data about people, places and businesses for research in the public…
COVID-19 – Priority Bespoke Data Access Requests
27th May 2020
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician The use of data has greatly assisted us in understanding COVID-19 and will help our response to the pandemic. The use of data for this type of research is very important and gaining access to the appropriate data remains both legal and ethical. To ensure that we balance…
Answering some common questions about Research Data Scotland
10th March 2020
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician We’ve been making solid progress developing Research Data Scotland (RDS) over the last few months, working closely with our partners and stakeholders. I wanted to take this opportunity to answer some of the common questions that have been discussed in my recent conversations. As developments continue, I’ll share further…
Using data to save time, money and lives – an update on Research Data Scotland
4th December 2019
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Earlier this year I wrote about our plan to set-up Research Data Scotland (RDS) to use the fantastic data we have about people, organisations and places to systematically improve the lives of people in Scotland. We’ve been making progress over the last few months and I wanted to share an…