
  • Information and data user research survey

    13th October 2017 by

    We launched an online user research survey on 21 September. This is a collaboration between the Scottish Government, the National Records of Scotland and NHS: Information Services Division. The purpose of this user research is to help improve our understanding of the needs of users of our data, statistics and research content that we make...

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  • Information and data user research survey

    21st September 2017 by

    The Scottish Government, in collaboration with the National Records of Scotland and NHS: Information Services Division are conducting user research. This will help us better understand the needs of users of our data, statistics and research content that we make available via our websites and other digital products. We will use the information gathered to...

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  • Scottish Government Workforce Information

    14th June 2017 by

    Information on the number of Scottish Government workers, staff sickness rates, and staff diversity for the last five years, up to March 2017, has been published. There has been a small increase in directly employed staff from March 2016 (5,152 FTE) to March 2017 (5,214 FTE). Also the number of contingent (non-directly employed) workers has decreased by 1 per cent to 1,044 (March...

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  • Scottish Government Workforce Information

    16th March 2017 by

    Information on the number of Scottish Government workers, staff sickness rates, and staff diversity for the last five years, up to December 2016, has been published. There has been a small increase in directly employed staff from December 2015 (5,120 FTE) to December 2016 (5,149 FTE). Also the number of contingent (non-directly employed) workers has decreased by 5 per cent to 992...

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  • New blog platform

    28th February 2017 by

    We are piloting this new blog platform which we’ll use to post updates on important announcements about Scottish Official statistics, our statistics publications, consultations and events. This is likely to replace the ScotStat automated email system that we currently use to provide updates on announcements, if the pilot is successful. The blog is openly available...

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