Written 13 posts
Designing justice content: subject matter experts’ views
25th April 2017
We know that effective engagement with subject matter experts plays a huge part in creating content that works. It helps users quickly find easy-to-understand and accurate information, without having to know the ins and outs of Scotland’s public service landscape.
CodeYourFuture: how we embrace diversity in our coding school for refugees and asylum seekers
21st March 2017
Mozafar Haider Ibrahim is an Edinburgh-based software developer and a CodeYourFuture mentor. He describes how the organisation celebrates, and benefits from, the diversity of all the people involved in it.
Diversity myths debunked
17th January 2017
This is a blog post by Dawn Kofie, one of our content designers: A group of volunteers from across the Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate have been considering how to increase diversity in the digital sector in Scotland. We’ve come up with a plan to get a group of digital professionals together to discuss what’s stopping the…