Data and Intelligence Network sets out future plans
1st June 2022 by deborahamzil
Blog by Lewis McCathie, Communications and Engagement Manager, Data & Intelligence Network. Created by the Scottish Government in 2020 to provide evidence-based analysis in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Data & Intelligence Network (DIN) is now looking to build upon this by supporting a number of Scottish Government policy areas so to utilise public sector...
Developing a Data Transformation Framework
26th May 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
In Scotland, Public Sector organisations have been creating, using and managing data for many years, and the practices around this have sometimes developed organically meaning there may be a lack of consistency when approaching things like data management, skills and standards.
Data Science Accelerator 2022
10th May 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
The Data Science Accelerator offers public sector analysts a fantastic opportunity to develop their data science skills through project-based mentoring. Delivered by the Scottish Public Sector Analytical Collaborative (SPACe), the accelerator provides protected time to explore your real-life work challenge with the support of a mentor, or to help others as a volunteer mentor.
Unlocking the Value of Public Sector Data for Public Benefit
6th May 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
The new Independent Expert Group (IEG) met at the end of March 2022, the first of our series of monthly meetings. For each of these meetings, we aim to write a blog to accompany the minutes, as a more accessible way to get a sense of what we discussed at the meeting, as well as some other initiatives which are influencing our thinking.
Disclosure Scotland partnering with the digital identity service
8th April 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Tom Wallace, Service Customer Team Lead on the digital identity programme, provides an update on the programme’s partnership with Disclosure Scotland and encourages other interested organisations across Scotland to get in touch. What does our service aim to deliver? The digital identity service is just one of the common platforms being developed by the Scottish...
Co-producing the data commitment for Scotland’s Open Government Action Plan
7th April 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Hi, my name is Martin Macfie and I lead the Open Data team in the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate. In my blog, Collaborating on Open Data in Scotland, which I wrote in September 2021, I mentioned that we were in the process of co-producing the data commitment for the next 4-year Open Government Action Plan...
Reflections on Leading in a Digital World
24th March 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Lee Dunn, Head of the Scottish Government’s, Scottish Digital Academy. The Leading in a Digital World programme supports senior leaders transforming their organisation to address the challenges and opportunities presented by our digital world. The first cohort to go through the new programme is now underway and they met for two days on...
Running a data maturity assessment – project update
24th March 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Sally Kerr, Data Standards Project Manager, Data Division. My name is Sally Kerr and I am a Project Manager in the Digital Directorate’s, Data Standards team. I have previously blogged about the start of the Data Maturity and Pathways project Scottish Government is running, working with a cohort of public sector organisations. The...
Service design and COTS products
24th February 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Serena Nusing, Senior Service Designer, Digital Directorate. Often, when organisations start a new IT project or require new software, there is a question about whether to build the solution themselves or to buy it. When it comes to the buying option, organisations are then often presented with a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) product that...
Updates to Model ICT Terms and Conditions
3rd February 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Guest blog by the Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate. The Public Audit and Post Legislative Committee (PAPLS) made a recommendation in its report Key audit themes: Managing public sector ICT projects that the Scottish Government should ensure that there was enough flexibility built into its terms and conditions to cope with the fast-paced nature of...