
  • Digital Participation: A National Framework for Local Action

    29th April 2014 by

    On 24 April, Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, launched the digital participation strategy at Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) in Edinburgh and spent some time chatting with members of the Computer Club to hear how getting online has been beneficial for them.  The enthusiasm from everyone in room for digital technology was...

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  • myaccount – signing in to online services

    7th April 2014 by

    What is myaccount? myaccount will give people across Scotland a secure and easy way to access public services online. myaccount is designed for people who wish to use services – such as pay council tax bills or request parking permits –  from Scottish public sector organisations online, rather than go into a local office or...

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  • Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN)

    13th March 2014 by

    What is SWAN? The Scottish Wide Area Network (SWAN) Programme is designed to deliver a single public services network available for the use of any, and potentially all, public service organisations within Scotland. The SWAN initiative aims to enable infrastructure and service sharing that will produce cost efficiencies and facilitate the creation of public services...

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  • What is happening around Data as a result of Scotland’s Digital Future: Delivery of Public Services?

    24th January 2014 by

    A Data Vision for Scotland in 2020 Why Now? There is a global data revolution taking place.  Every day the amount and range of data being produced increases and new tools and techniques are being developed to help us all access and analyse data.  More importantly, we are recognising the value of data to society...

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  • Tellmescotland Apps Launched

    8th November 2013 by

    A guest blog by Tom McHugh, Programme Manager, Improvement Service is Scotland’s portal for Public Information Notices. It is the first in the UK and Europe in terms of scope and scale and has proved a major success since its launch in December 2010. The portal has been delivered through a collaborative partnership under...

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  • One Small Step…

    3rd October 2013 by

    Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband

    Following a period of procurement, evaluation and negotiation there are now two contracts in place to deliver the Step Change Programme – one for Highlands and Islands and one for the Rest of Scotland. A total investment of £410 million will see superfast broadband infrastructure available to 85% of all premises in Scotland by the...

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  • Better Broadband for the Applecross Community

    13th September 2013 by

    A guest blog from Sandra Byrne, Community Broadband Scotland Adviser, about her involvement with the Applecross Community Company As the Community Broadband Scotland (CBS) Adviser working with Applecross, I am delighted that on the 9th of August they became the first project to receive CBS Start-Up Fund assistance totalling £68, 520 (59% of project costs)....

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  • Digital Scotland News

    30th July 2013 by

    Everyone across the Digital Directorate has been busy since the Digital Scotland 2013 Conference and Expo in May. Senior officials have spoken at other high profile events bringing together people from the ICT industry, public and private sectors and voluntary organisations that all wish to have their say in Scotland’s Digital Future. We have awarded...

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  • Lessons Learned from Sweden

    8th July 2013 by

    A guest blog from Bengt G Mölleryd In order to develop a sustainable digital economy the entire society has to be part of it, says Bengt G Mölleryd, a senior analyst at the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), which is the national regulator for electronic communication in Sweden. Speaking at a recent event organised...

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  • Community Broadband Scotland Pioneering Communities Seminar: Aviemore, 24-25 April 2013

    15th May 2013 by

    The Scottish Government launched Community Broadband Scotland (CBS) in August 2012 to assist rural communities, particularly those will not have next generation broadband delivered by its Step Change digital programme, and help them to achieve a significant uplift in broadband service. CBS will allow communities to take greater ownership and play a central role in...

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