
  • ScotPayments Design in Action (Part 1: Introduction) 

    15th May 2024 by

    Blog by Fiona MacLellan and Cal Marr to celebrate ScotPayments milestones including £40 million with our Design in Action blog post series.  Our team have a few milestones to celebrate this week! On 15 May 2024  ScotPayments service processed our 100th payment run, which means we’ve sent over £40million across 20,000 payments since we launched…

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  • Introducing Interaction Design Week 2022

    12th October 2022 by

    Inspired by the annual World IxDD event and based on the success of our first event ‘World Interaction design day 2021’, the Interaction Design community in Scottish Government (SG) is bringing together an internal event for the second time called ‘Interaction Design Week 2022’ during the first week of November.

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  • Scottish Government celebrates World Interaction Design Day (IxDD 2021)

    17th September 2021 by

    For the first time The Scottish Government will be hosting a series of presentations and talks from 28th to 30th September to celebrate this year’s World Interaction Design Day for internal staff. What is IxDD 2021? IxDD 2021 is an annual event where Interaction Designers and User Centred Design practitioners come together as a united global…

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  • Making the most of user research findings

    14th July 2021 by

    Blog post co-written by Mark Daniels, Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek, Daniel Migliorelli and Fiona Wragg In this blog post, Mark Daniels,  Daniel Migliorelli and Fiona Wragg who work in the Digital Transformation Division of the Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate and Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek who works in Social Security Directorate share discovery findings showing that standardised processes for sharing…

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  • What happened during Services Week 2021

    12th March 2021 by

    Serena Nüsing, service designer in Digital Directorate, shares what happened during Services Week 2021 at Scottish Government and what people thought about it. Last week was Services Week and Scottish Government got involved. Services Week is an annual self-organised week of events to discuss good, accessible, equitable, and sustainable public services. From Monday to Friday…

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  • 5 things I learned from my first content crit

    4th December 2019 by

    Just days into my role as a new content designer I faced a baptism of fire – my first content crit. This meant the whole content design team – 10 of us – gathered to give frank feedback on my first content piece. No pressure! I rise from the flames to share what I learned:…

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  • 8 common content design myths that content designers want you to stop believing

    12th November 2019 by

    There are lots of assumptions, misconceptions and myths about content design that just won’t die. Here are just a few and why they’re not true. 1. Content design is about words This is a popular one. Words are one way to present complicated content, but they’re not the only way. Examples of other types of…

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  • Developing content standards for better public services

    16th August 2018 by

    We’ve produced a set of content standards to help colleagues in the Scottish Government, and our public sector partners, deliver effective content. Our ultimate aim is to help improve public services. Why content standards are helpful Everything that public sector organisations publish should meet their users’ needs. Our standards will: provide tools, techniques and processes you…

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  • What content designers do when they’re not writing

    13th August 2018 by

    This post was inspired by Leisa Reichelt’s excellent summary of what user researchers do when they’re not researching. Content designers: work as part of cross-functional service teams in the Scottish Government support public sector colleagues who are designing new services, or improving existing ones create and maintain content on People who haven’t worked with content designers…

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  • The 6 stages of the content lifecycle

    2nd August 2018 by

    This post is by Angela Morrison. Your content isn’t finished once you hit publish. It has a lifecycle which represents the stages each item should pass through, from planning and design right through to publishing and archiving. Sometimes this is called a content delivery workflow, or publishing workflow. Why it’s important Following a consistent content lifecycle helps your organisation create content that: is…

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