
  • Scotland’s Digital Strategy – Progress report published

    22nd May 2024 by

    Blog post by Yorath Turner, Chief Operating Officer for Digital, Scottish Government. A progress report entitled ‘A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world: Progress report 2021 – 2024’ has been published on the Scottish Government website. Scotland’s Digital Strategy, “A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world” was…

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  • Salutogenese!

    14th October 2022 by

    No it isn’t cheese. More’s the pity. Or a welcome in any language (*as far as I am aware). It originated in the health space and relates to looking at factors that support wellbeing rather than at those which are creating the problem. Using a salutogenic approach means examining a whole range of factors – including environmental, social, emotional and intellectual – to promote good health rather than just tackling illness. In societal terms, and in Scottish Government terms, this means looking at a person centred approach. It means dealing not just with the perceived problem or the issues the problem creates, but actually making an improvement to someone’s life that can have a ripple effect to other parts for that person or for those they love.

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  • Introducing the Digital Citizen Unit

    18th August 2022 by

    My name is Eilidh Mclaughlin and I’m here to talk to you about the Digital Citizen Unit in Scottish Government. Wait, stop! I can tell you’re bored already. But behind that somewhat unassuming name, we’re building something really important and exciting for Scotland.

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  • Reflections on Leading in a Digital World

    24th March 2022 by

    Blog by Lee Dunn, Head of the Scottish Government’s, Scottish Digital Academy. The Leading in a Digital World programme supports senior leaders transforming their organisation to address the challenges and opportunities presented by our digital world. The first cohort to go through the new programme is now underway and they met for two days on…

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  • Get involved with Services Week 2021

    19th February 2021 by

    Sam Ernstzen and Serena Nusing, service designers in the Digital Directorate, are bringing Services Week to Scottish Government. Services Week is happening from 1st to 5th March and is open for everyone to participate and attend for free. Services Week is a series of cross-government events initiated by Government Digital Services (GDS) that look at…

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