SG Payments – Moving from Alpha to Beta
25th November 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Carron Macnab, Delivery Manager, Product and Commercial Division. As a key commitment in the Digital Strategy for Scotland, the SG Payments Service will incrementally replace existing disparate and disconnected platforms that we currently use for paying out pensions, benefits and grants. We’ve previously blogged about our successful Alpha and proof of concept phases,…
SG payments team – Opportunities and update
12th October 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Carron MacNab, Delivery Manager, Product and Commercial Division, shares some news about opportunities to join the Payments team. We’ve also got an update on how we’re finding ways to carry on engaging users and stakeholders during COVID-19 restrictions. ‘Payments’ is one of the core shared technology platforms outlined in Scotland’s Digital Strategy. It is also…
SG payments project – Keep on collaborating
30th September 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Fiona Maclellan, Senior Service Designer, Product and Commercial Division. The SG payments project has taken a user-centred approach since it began in 2018. This has involved working closely with users through the Discovery phase, our Alpha build and as we prepare for our next phase. We recently posted about the project’s progress, and…
SG Payments Alpha & beyond
12th August 2020 by Fiona MacLellan
Blog by Fiona Maclellan, Senior Service Designer, Product and Commercial Division. In 2019 we announced our payments project and introduced the team working on it. Since then we’ve not given you an update on this blog, but that doesn’t mean things have stood still. We’ve been busy building a prototype digital service, as an Alpha…
Payments Programme – Beta Partner Wanted!
21st February 2020 by Clare Mills
UPDATE 24/03/20 *Please note in light of Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have opted to hold the event online, with a change of date. As such, attendance will NO LONGER be limited to 2 individuals per organisation* The project is now looking to procure a partner to deliver the next (Beta) phase of the project and is…
Payments Project – Introducing the Payments Project
12th March 2019 by Clare Mills
by Hugh Wallace In September 2018, the Scottish Government set up a small team to take a closer look at how we make and receive payments. This includes people from across the organisation to ensure we have the right skills and knowledge in the team. This is part of a much wider programme of public…