Patrick Douglas
Written 40 posts
‘Adapting to COVID-19 and using what we have learnt in future’ – Lead Partner event on 23 June 2021
15th July 2021
On Wednesday 23 June 2021, over 80 representatives from Lead Partners of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) Programmes gathered for an online event.
2014-2020 ESIF online event on 9 December 2020
16th December 2020
On Wednesday 9 December 2020, the Managing Authority hosted an online event for stakeholders to celebrate the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) programmes.
2020 case studies booklet
10th December 2020
During an online stakeholder event on Wednesday 9 December, Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation Ivan McKee announced the publication of the 2020 case studies booklet.
CASE STUDY: Andy – Stirling Council (European Social Fund)
16th October 2020
The Learning, Employability & Progression (LEAPS) project at Stirling Council has helped hundreds of local people find work, gain qualifications or to move on to further education.
Lead Partner Online Session in August 2020
22nd September 2020
On Thursday 27 August 2020, the MA hosted an online session for Lead Partners via Skype. This session was intended to replace in-person events that we have held in the past which are no longer possible due to physical distancing guidelines.
European Territorial Cooperation programmes consultation report
14th July 2020
This week our European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) team published its findings report from the consultation into Scotland’s participation in the 2021-27 period of ETC programmes.
CASE STUDY: The Trinity Active Travel Hub – Transport Scotland (European Regional Development Fund)
26th June 2020
The Low Carbon Travel and Transport Challenge Fund is managed by the Energy Saving Trust on behalf of Transport Scotland. It offers support to public, community and third sector organisations to help deliver active travel and low carbon transport hubs across Scotland.
Replacement funding consultation report
12th June 2020
This week our Future Funding Team published its findings report from the consultation into the Replacement of the European Structural Funds in Scotland Post-EU Exit.
CASE STUDY: Fernbrae Meadows – Scottish Natural Heritage (European Regional Development Fund)
9th June 2020
Scottish Natural Heritage’s Green Infrastructure (GI) Fund seeks to enhance the quality of life for people in urban communities by supporting projects that improve and expand greenspaces in towns and cities.
CASE STUDY: Brian – East Dunbartonshire Council (European Social Fund)
3rd June 2020
East Dunbartonshire Council’s Main Pipeline Project offers assistance to unemployed or underemployed people in the local area