Family Nurse Partnership
Guest Blog – Anne, family nurse
July 13, 2018 by Anne Dagg No Comments | Category Family Nurse Partnership, parenting, Uncategorized, young parents
Anne is a Family Nurse in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and has very kindly answered our questions on being a Family Nurse and about her working day.
What made you apply to become a Family Nurse?
The role of family nurse greatly appealed to me as not only did it offer the opportunity to work with teenage first time mums, but also fathers and grandparents too. FNP embodies a strength based approach which draws on the mother’s ‘strengths’ to encourage desired behavior change.
Describe your average day:
There is no average day as Team B work across three local authorities of East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire, resulting in travelling varying distances. My visits will last between 1 -1.5 hours where I will generally be found in clients houses delivering the programme I explore the parent’s responses to their child, and how they can be the ‘best mum they can be’. The therapeutic relationship developed between parents and their nurse is of key importance, as the family nurse will be the one consistent professional involved for 2 ½ years.
What part of being a family nurse do you enjoy the most?
FNP uses a strengths based approach which provides parents with valuable practical and psychological information throughout the key stages of pregnancy and the first 2 years of a child’s life. However not only does the programme deliver practical information, it allows parents to explore their backgrounds of being ‘parented’ and offers insights into their parenting whilst exploring new ways which they can parent their child. The part I enjoy most is watching the parents become aware of the impact their behaviours are having on their children and changing these to become ‘the best parents they can be’.
What do you think clients get from having a family nurse?
The parents have one consistent professional in their life for 2 ½ years whom they will build a strong therapeutic relationship with. Having this consistent person allows in-depth exploration of many issues teenagers face with including: parenting; benefits, housing relationships and working respectfully with agencies. Importantly, Family nurses model an attachment based relationship by being responsive, reliable and trustworthy -the behaviours which parents are encouraged to demonstrate towards their child. The feedback from clients have been rewarding as they have advised through a variety of ways including focus groups and patient opinion they value greatly the strengths-based approach, resulting in them feeling ‘not judged’.
What would you say to anyone who is eligible for a Family Nurse and not sure if they want to accept the service?
When any client is considering FNP, a family nurse will offer to visit to explore any questions or concerns. The family nurse will provide information on previous client feedback and explore ways in which the programme can encourage the mother to reach their goals.
Finish this sentence: I am proud to be a Family Nurse because…
This role provides immense satisfaction in observing clients progress towards improved outcomes for themselves and their children’s future.
Quote from FNP Client about her Family Nurse:
What do you do to unwind after a busy day?
I enjoy meditation and cycling which allows me to unwind after a busy day and recharge my batteries.

View from my cycle at Gleniffer Braes
Tags: family nurse, parenting, young people
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