Health and Social Care

  • Making Real Improvements in the Drive towards Integrated Care

    13th June 2014 by

    At the 14th International Conference on Integrated Care in Brussels in April, professionals in the field of integrated care and long-term condition management got together to exchange knowledge, experience and new ideas. The programme was focussed on the following four strands of integrated care design and delivery:  Designing policy to support integrated care Supporting integrated...

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  • Consultation on Draft Regulations relating to the Care Act 2014

    12th June 2014 by

    The Care Act 2014 (“the Act”) was introduced in the House of Lords on 9 May 2013 and received Royal Assent on 14 May 2014. The Act creates a legislative basis for local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to make cross-border placements for those who require care in residential accommodation in Scotland. Equivalent...

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  • There’s no ward like home

    12th June 2014 by

    Health and Social Care Integration was a key feature at this year’s NHSScotland Event which was held on 3 and 4 June at the SECC, Glasgow. Richard Lyall, from the Reshaping Care for Older People team, who helped man the stand, shares reflection on his experience at the event: The event provided us with a...

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  • Active and Healthy Ageing: An Action Plan for Scotland 2014 – 2016

    13th May 2014 by

    Our vision is for all older people in Scotland to enjoy full and positive lives – happy and healthy at home or in a homely setting. This positive vision values older people and their contribution to society and empowers them to be active partners in the way support and services are planned and delivered. Community...

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  • Helping People To Get Socially Connected

    13th May 2014 by

    At the recent meeting of the British Irish Council in Belfast on 25 and 26 March 2014, Dr Anne Hendry, Joint Improvement Team and Arthur Fulton, Care for Older People’s Unit joined the group to discuss the on-going work relating to Social Inclusion. The meeting drew together delegates from across different parts of the British...

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  • Consultation on the Regulations and Orders Associated with the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014

    12th May 2014 by

    The draft Scottish Statutory Instruments which will accompany the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 will go out for consultation in two stages. These have been developed in collaboration with stakeholders. Stage one of the consultation is now available Consultation Approach/Timeline These two stages of consultation will enable our stakeholders to comment on the larger...

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  • Join the Conversation about Locality Planning at this year’s NHSScotland Event

    23rd April 2014 by

    At this year’s NHSScotland Event on 3 and 4 June at the SECC we will be facilitating a session on locality planning. The session will be run on both days. Entitled ‘The Engine Room of Integration and Improvement’, delegates will get the opportunity to join the conversation about locality planning and hear how others are engaging...

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  • New Interim Director of Health and Social Care Integration

    14th April 2014 by

    Following an interview process Geoff Huggins, currently Head of Mental Health and Protection of Rights Division has been selected to fill the Director, Health and Social Care Integration post on a temporary basis until a permanent appointment is made.  Geoff will take up his new role on Monday 14 April. He succeeds Angiolina Foster who is...

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  • The Future of Residential Care for Older People in Scotland

    4th April 2014 by

    For the last year, we’ve been working with COSLA, Scottish Care and a wide cross-section of representatives from the care sector, NHS, housing and older people’s organisations to draw up recommendations for the future of residential care in Scotland. The Task Force, under the expert co-chairmanship of Douglas Hutchens and Cllr Peter Johnston, has produced...

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  • Care Information Scotland at the Social Services Expo 2014

    19th March 2014 by

    The lovely Lizzie who works for NHS24 and was helping us raise awareness of Care Information Scotland.

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