Health and Social Care

  • Social Services Expo 2014

    19th March 2014 by

    Yesterday we attended the Social Services Expo at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. Our team were joined by one of our NHS24 colleagues where we chatted to peers about Care Information Scotland. It was a great opportunity to network and to build relationships with stakeholders that could play an instrumental part of the success of the...

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  • The moment the Public Bodies Bill was passed..

    28th February 2014 by

    On Tuesday the 25 February the Public Bodies Bill was passed in parliament. A huge thank-you to everyone who has worked so hard and contributed to helping make this happen. There is a lot of work still to do regarding implementation but we are one step closer now to integrating health and social care. We...

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  • Re-designing Care Information Scotland… We need you!

    27th February 2014 by

    Our project to re-design the Care Information Scotland is officially underway. We are expanding the site to provide care information for all carers, cared for and carer support across Scotland. This is a mammoth task and we need YOU to help us shape this service to ensure it is a useful resource. What content would you like...

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  • Call for Ideas: British Irish Council – Autumn Summit in Edinburgh

    24th January 2014 by

    Call for Ideas: British Irish Council – Autumn Summit in Edinburgh We mentioned previously on our blog our team’s involvement in the work of the British Irish Council (BIC). Our team meets with colleagues from the Irish and British governments as part of the social inclusion strand of the BIC which was established following...

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  • Knowing me and knowing you..

    17th January 2014 by

    It’s 2014 and our New Year’s resolution is to utilise social media on a more regular basis.   We are going to use our blog to share good practice, ideas, policy initiatives and upcoming events and we would love to hear all of your plans too. One of our aims this year is to do...

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  • Not a bad view

    17th January 2014 by

    The other morning the most beautiful sky could be seen from the window of our office in St Andrew’s house. It looked so lovely that we had to share.

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  • A busy year ahead for the Care for Older People Team

    10th January 2014 by

    The Care for Older People team has a busy year ahead. Some of the projects we are working on include: Reshaping Care for Older People – following the publication of our Getting On report and its Plain English summary we’re now working towards finalising an outcomes framework developed in collaboration with Health Scotland – the framework...

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  • Reshaping Care for Older People: Getting On

    19th September 2013 by

    Reshaping Care for Older People: A Programme for Change 2011-2021  sets out our vision – that ‘Older people are valued as an asset, their voices are heard and they are supported to enjoy full and positive lives in their own home or in a homely setting’. In autumn 2013 we produced an update paper, “Getting...

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  • Redesigning Care Information Scotland

    21st August 2013 by

    Care Information Scotland provides a website and telephone service to help older people access appropriate and accurate care information. It is run by NHS 24 on behalf of the Scottish Government. SNOOK, an innovative service design company were appointed by NHS 24 to review the service earlier this year for their approach which includes innovation, blue...

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  • Health and Social Care – Get Involved in Shaping Services

    14th August 2013 by

    A range of local events are being planned by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and the Scottish Government (and other stakeholders) over the coming months to get people involved in shaping policy relating to adult services and older people.  Organisations of all sizes in the health and care sector, people who use services including...

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