Do you use fisheries statistics?
October 6, 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications No Comments | Category Marine Directorate general, Marine Directorate Science
How much fish is landed in Scotland every year? How much is it worth? Which species are landed and where?
You might not be aware, but the role of Marine Scotland’s Analytical Unit is to provide data on a range of marine and fisheries topics such as this (any others). This data, which is gathered from industry, research and others, is used to help support policy development and encourage the continued growth and future development of a range of existing and new marine sectors, such as aquaculture, fisheries and renewable energy – all part of Scotland’s Growth Sectors. Having the best, most relevant and up to date information that we can get is key to this process.
Their information is published regularly and the Data and Statistics Team would like to hear from you to know whether you find their statistics helpful, to help shape how they present an publish information in the future.
To capture your views, they have created a 5 minute survey that covers the National Statistics publication, Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics, and the management information published on Marine Scotland’s website. They will analyse the feedback they receive and publish a report of the results on the Marine Scotland website towards the end of this year.
The survey closes on 11 November 2016.
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