Shaping Scotland’s marine future
11th January 2024 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Scottish Government has published its new Marine Science and Innovation Strategy highlighting the crucial role of science and innovation in realising the full potential of the marine environment.
Responsible wildlife watching around seals
19th September 2023 by Marine Directorate Communications
Scotland is well known for our diverse flora and fauna, both on land and in the sea. Some of the most iconic species seen around our coasts are seals. Scotland is home to around a third of the world population of grey seals and around 5% of the world population of harbour seals.
When compliance searched for science
12th June 2023 by Marine Scotland Communications
In Spring 2023, the search and rescue skills of colleagues from the Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government on board our Marine Protection Vessel (MPV) Jura were called on to help locate and recover a lost scientific seaglider. This is equipment from the Scottish Association for Marine Science’s (SAMS) Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science Programme (CLASS) project.
Remembering Helen Stormonth Ogilvie (1880-1960)
17th May 2023 by Marine Directorate Communications
On this day in 1880, Helen Stormonth Ogilvie was born who, as far as we know, was the first woman to be employed by the Fisheries Board for Scotland, now the Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government. Born in Dundee, Helen Ogilvie studied at Dundee University College at the time it became affiliated to St...
COP27 blog series: Scotland keen to take actions to protect marine environment
18th November 2022 by Marine Directorate Communications
Results from a survey on ocean literacy commissioned as part of Understanding Ocean Literacy and Ocean Climate-related Behaviour Change in the UK published.
Joint monitoring of Scottish Marine Protected Areas
19th August 2022 by Marine Directorate Communications
Our science colleagues joined with JNCC recently to conduct a monitoring trip of the West Shetland Shelf Marine Protected Area.
International blue carbon partnerships awarded £10K
30th June 2022 by Marine Directorate Communications
Blue carbon experts have been successful in their bids for funding following the launch of the Blue Carbon International Policy Challenge (BCIPC)
What are Invasive Species?
20th May 2022 by Marine Directorate Communications
Invasive non-native species (INNS) are plants and animals that have been introduced by humans, either deliberately or accidentally, from an area outside of their native range.
Scottish fishing technology adopted as new global standard
29th April 2022 by Marine Scotland Communications
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has agreed to adopt a new Scottish-designed fishing technology as the new international standard for co-ordinated demersal fish population surveys in the North Sea.
Studying the critically endangered blue skate
16th March 2022 by Marine Directorate Communications
Our understanding of the distribution, behaviour and biology of the critically endangered blue skate has been greatly increased by recently published research.