EIMR International Conference 2014 – Stornoway, Scotland
13th August 2014 by Paul Stainer
The EIMR (Environmental Impacts of Marine Renewables) conference was held April 30 – May 1 2014 on the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides, Scotland, UK. Two hundred scientists from the UK, Europe, and North America came together at the An Lanntair Arts Centre in Stornoway, for two days of oral and poster presentations, with...
All Energy Conference 2014 – Combined Presentation
7th August 2014 by Paul Stainer
Marine Scotland ran a session at the large All Energy conference in Aberdeen on 21 May. The session was based around the consenting of the Moray Firth wind farms, and included a series of short talks taking the audience through the licensing timetable, the basis for cumulative impact assessment, how we did CIA for...
Strategic Surveys of Seabirds off the West of Lewis to Determine Use of Seaspace in Areas of Potential Marine Renewable Energy Developments
7th August 2014 by Paul Stainer
By 2020 the percentage of Scotland’s energy coming from renewable sources will increase. Studies have identified that there is a need to research how offshore renewable developments affect wildlife populations. The surveys presented here will help to find out how one area of marine development, the west coast of Lewis, is used by waterbirds and...
Migrating Atlantic salmon findings published
1st August 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland Science has published findings of a study looking at the behaviour of homeward migrating salmon in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. The study is part of a research programme, funded by the Scottish Government, which aims to identify and minimise any disruptions to wildlife as the marine renewable energy industry develops.Using coastal...
Marine Spatial Planning Update
16th June 2014 by Paul Stainer
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan A Working Group consisting of Marine Scotland, Highland Council and Orkney Islands Council have been working on developing a pilot marine spatial plan for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters, see The Working Group produced two documents last year that went out for consultation. The...
Workshop on Physical Damage Indicator development for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
16th June 2014 by Paul Stainer
Marine Biological Association, Plymouth 26-27 February 2014 Participants AFBI, MBA, Heriott-Watt University, Bioconstruct, University of Liverpool, JNCC, DEFRA, Natural England, BGS, BRGM, SEPA, CEFAS, MSS, Plymouth University, BFN, SNH, Natural Resources Wales, IECS, Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle, Cornwall IFCA, and DOENI were all represented. Aims: Mike Robertson attended a workshop intended to further develop a...
Marine Licensing: Pre-Application Process Study commissioned
6th May 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland Licensing Operations Team (MS-LOT) has commissioned Natural Capital to conduct a study to review the pre-application process for marine licensing. The aim is to have a more effective and efficient process that could save time and reduce the risk of delays in the determination of marine licences, and ultimately could be advantageous to...
Good Practice Guide for Underwater Noise Measurement published
15th April 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
A Good Practice Guide for Underwater Noise Measurement has been published, giving guidance on best practice for in-situ measurement of underwater sound, for processing the data, and for reporting the measurements using appropriate metrics. From a scientific point of view, accurate acoustic measurements are needed for a diverse range of disciplines such as acoustical oceanography,...
Marine Analytical Unit weekly update – 2 April 2014
3rd April 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
This week’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on the ‘European offshore wind industry in 2013’. Read the full update Related Links All previous Marine Analytical Unit updates
Bird collisions with wind turbines
26th March 2014 by Paul Stainer
Collisions of birds with turbine blades is one of the big issues in environmental impact assessment of offshore wind farms. MS helped to establish a one year project at UHI Thurso on uncertainty in the models used to assess collision risk. Dr Liz Masden has a MREKE Fellowship to do the work. There have been...