What are Invasive Species?
20th May 2022 by Marine Directorate Communications
Invasive non-native species (INNS) are plants and animals that have been introduced by humans, either deliberately or accidentally, from an area outside of their native range.
Non-native Species and Biofouling
11th July 2012 by sfraser
What are Non-native Species? When species of plants and animals occur unexpectedly in areas outside their normal range they are called “non-native species”. Examples of how non-native species can be introduced to new areas are by accidentally travelling on an aeroplane or ship (e.g the black rat), or when fish or shellfish imported for the…
What to do if you have found a non native species
18th August 2011 by admin
Non-native species (or “alien species”) are introduced outside of their natural past or present distribution – sometimes by human action. The term, Non-native species cover a wide range of different species from microscopic animals and plants to quite large species such as seaweeds, sea squirt, and crustaceans. Marine Scotland Science has prepared a document that…