National Performance Framework
Five things you’ve told us about the National Performance Framework
March 8, 2022 by Lesley Thomson No Comments | Category analysis, continuous improvement, data
Thank you to everyone who took part in our survey about using the National Performance Framework (NPF). We wanted to get a better understanding of what you use the NPF for, and how we can improve what we offer to help you get what you need. We received an amazing 426 responses! Here are our top five takeaways.
[First, a quick note about the survey. There were two versions, one for government colleagues and one for those outside government. There were slight tweaks in response options to reflect the type of work people do. Our 426 participants spanned different sectors, organisations and professions. It isn’t representative but it does provide very helpful insights.]

Word cloud of free text responses from the “Differently” section of the survey.
Sets the vision
The majority (56%) felt they or their work contributes to the National Outcomes to a moderate or great extent. A common theme from respondents was that the framework gives a common goal and language, allowing people to work across teams and with partners. And to see the bigger picture purpose of our work.
But some aren’t totally clear
Not everyone was clear about what it means for them, and how the NPF fits with other roadmaps or government targets. Greater visibility of others using it, tools and guidance and learning and development opportunities were popular responses for what could help you incorporate the NPF into your work.
One’s meat is another’s poison
Many respondents commented that the NPF website is accessible and easy to navigate. Others commented that there’s too much information and it’s hard to find what they want. So we need to diversify what we offer online to allow people to find and filter the information they want.
Go interactive
There was a clear demand for visual, interactive tools. There were a number of innovative ideas suggested, such as using the NPF graphic to click on for more information, dashboards, and the ability to generate graphics for trends across key demographics.
Putting an outcomes approach into practice
Several people highlighted that presentation isn’t everything and that to achieve the National Outcomes we need to change our ways of working. Some suggested building our knowledge and skills to deliver outcomes. And to ‘get better at the basics’ of how organisations work together to achieve the NPF vision.
What next?
We’re using your insights to develop an action plan. We’ll let you know, here, how we’re getting on. So make sure you’re signed up to receive blog post updates.
Or sign up for our new NPF newsletter.
More than half of those who responded to the survey signed up to receive updates or to be contacted about further engagement. If you haven’t done that, but would like to, please do get in touch on the team mailbox.
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