Planning and Architecture

Self and Custom Build event 2016

August 3, 2016 by No Comments | Category Housing & Infrastructure

We invite you to attend a free event aimed at all with an interest in promoting and supporting the self and custom build sector in Scotland.

The afternoon event will bring together guest speakers, developers, planners, land interests and the finance sector, to share ideas and experience on how we can face the challenges, and find solutions to increasing the delivery of homes.

The conference and reception is focusing on supporting the Self and Custom Build homes sector and sharing innovation.  Speakers from Teignbridge, Sheffield and Glasgow Councils, The Council for Mortgage Lenders and inspiring developers working in Scotland will form the afternoon event.

This conference is followed by a reception in Parliament with Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government and Housing, and guest speaker Piers Taylor, architect and presenter of BBC2’s “The House that 100k Built”.

When – Thursday 15th September 2016, from 13:00-17:00 and 18:00-19:00

Where – Conference in Macdonald Holyrood Hotel, 81 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AU, and the Garden Lobby, Scottish Parliament for evening reception.

How – to reserve your place at the main event, and the evening reception, or for more information, please email with your name, company and contact details.

Our self-custom-build-event-150916-agenda

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