Planning and Architecture
Local Place Plans – next steps
22nd March 2021 by planningarchitecture
Local Place Plans (LPPs) offer the opportunity for a community led, but collaborative, approach to creating great local places. LPPs can support community aspirations on the big challenges for a future Scotland, such as responding to the global climate emergency and tackling inequalities, and help shape local planning policies contained in the Local Development Plan....
National Planning Framework 4 Position Statement – getting involved and having your say
15th December 2020 by planningarchitecture
We published our NPF4 Position Statement on 26 November 2020, setting out our current thinking towards the production of the next National Planning Framework. At the same time, we also published an updated Programme for Engagement. This updated document provides a summary of engagement so far and sets out plans and opportunities for continuing stakeholder...
A Digital Strategy for Planning – coming soon!
17th November 2020 by planningarchitecture
Building on the recommendations of an independent panel appointed to carry out a review of Scotland’s planning system in 2015, the Scottish Government has been exploring thoroughly how data and technology could be far more effectively harnessed and deployed to transform the planning system and the way we make important decisions about how Scotland develops....
Galashiels – Strengthening Place by Thinking Small
9th July 2020 by planningarchitecture
Pre COVID-19, construction was on track for the completion of the Great Tapestry of Scotland (GToS) building designed by Page/Park Architects. It has been architecturally tailored to exhibit the world’s boldest community art projects. The tapestry installation is made-up of 160 hand stitched panels, involved over 1,000 stitchers and tells the story of Scotland’s history...
National Planning Framework 4 Call for Ideas: Evidence now published
7th July 2020 by planningarchitecture
We have now published the evidence gathered as part of our National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) Call for Ideas. Our Call for Ideas launched on 9 January and ran to the end of April 2020. Whilst we were disappointed that our Scotplan Roadshow was cut short, we are extremely pleased with the level of information...
Kevin Stewart MSP: What kind of Scotland do we want to see post-lockdown?
26th June 2020 by planningarchitecture
The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has made many of us reflect on the importance and the value of the places where we live, work, shop and socialise. Now as we begin to come out of lockdown, instead of just getting things back to the way they were before, we have a new opportunity...
National Planning Framework 4 – Extension to Call for Ideas deadline
19th March 2020 by planningarchitecture
We are extending the closing date for our National Planning Framework 4 Call for Ideas from 31 March to 30 April. This applies to all aspects of the Call for Ideas, including the housing technical discussion paper and the invitation to submit projects for consideration as national developments. We hope this extension will help you...
NPF4 early engagement – Feb 2020
3rd February 2020 by planningarchitecture
NPF4 – Getting Involved One month into 2020 and the substantial task of producing Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework is well in motion and picking up pace. Now it’s time for you to join in! NPF4 is going to have a powerful influence on how we shape the development of Scotland between now and 2050....
NPF4 early engagement – Feb 2020
3rd February 2020 by planningarchitecture
NPF4 – Getting Involved One month into 2020 and the substantial task of producing Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework is well in motion and picking up pace. Now it’s time for you to join in! NPF4 is going to have a powerful influence on how we shape the development of Scotland between now and 2050....
National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) – Early Engagement now underway!
9th January 2020 by planningarchitecture
2020 is shaping up to be a massive year for planning in Scotland; for how our transforming planning system will shape our places and our society over the years and decades to come. Of course, there’s much to be done on the nuts and bolts of the system following on from the new Planning Act....