Public Procurement and Property
Application Design and Development Services (ADDS) framework expiring soon
15th May 2019 by Lorraine Carlyle
Organisations can use other frameworks and DPS for ICT services
Project bank accounts – paying the supply chain faster
14th May 2019 by Eddie Chapman
In this video Colin Judge talks project bank accounts and explains the changes to policy and procedure that came into effect in March 2019.
How can we make our published procurement information more useful and accessible?
1st May 2019 by Lorraine Carlyle
Get involved with our public consultation.
Award of new Print and Associated Services framework agreement
1st May 2019 by Lorraine Carlyle
Framework contractors working towards corporate social responsbility.
Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) – delivering for SMEs and innovation in the public sector
24th April 2019 by Eddie Chapman
Watch our new video – explore the benefits of a DPS and learn the process of how to join one.