Public Procurement and Property
Looking ahead to Scottish Apprenticeship Week
8th February 2023 by Melissa Reilly
It's National Apprenticeship Week! It's also four weeks to go until the start of Scottish Apprenticeship Week. To celebrate the week, we are sharing the first of our Q&A interviews with current and past apprentices within the Scottish Procurement and Property Directorate (SPPD).
Business in the Parliament Conference 2023
6th February 2023 by Melissa Reilly
The theme of the 15th Business in Parliament Conference was “Sustainable Recovery: Maximising the Opportunities of the Next Decade”.
Community Wealth building consultation now live
3rd February 2023 by Melissa Reilly
Views are being sought on ground-breaking proposals to help grow local economies and ensure more money stays in the hands of communities.
Single Procurement Document: buyer awareness session
31st January 2023 by Fiona McCaig
We are holding an online workshop, which will demonstrate the functionality and answer any questions you may have about the SPD module on Public Contracts Scotland.
Delivery Partner for Cashback for Communities Contract Notice
31st January 2023 by Melissa Reilly
The Scottish Government’s Directorate for Safer Communities requires a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to perform the role of Delivery Partner in relation to the CashBack for Communities Programme.