Written 26 posts
This week: 24/5/19
23rd May 2019
Croft Housing Grant Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing announced £350,000 under the Croft Housing Grant award to support crofters in remote areas. Oyster Restoration Alliance conference Natural Environment Minister Mairi Gougeon spoke at the Native Oyster Restoration Alliance conference in Edinburgh this week. Delegates from 15 European countries met to develop a blueprint for reef…
This week: 17/05/19
17th May 2019
Supporting Scotland’s produce Funding has been granted to initiatives across Scotland to help celebrate Scotland’s regional food and drink industries. A total of 23 projects will share £104,500 awarded via the Connect Local Regional Food Fund. Grant recipients include the Annan Harbour Festival, the Glenkens Food Month, and the Skye Food and Drink Festival. Commenting…
This week: 10/05/19
10th May 2019
Deposit Return Scheme Environment and Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham announced Scotland’s new Deposit Return Scheme. The scheme will include aluminium and steel cans as well as drinks containers made of glass and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic with a 20p deposit as part of plans to combat climate change. The ambitious scheme is based on…
This week: 03/05/19
3rd May 2019
New Climate Change proposals Scotland will go greener, faster under new, tougher climate change proposals. The Scottish Government has lodged amendments to the Climate Change Bill to set a legally binding target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 at the latest. Read more on the latest climate change proposals South of Scotland Economic Partnership…
This week: 19/04/19
18th April 2019
Food Waste Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham welcomed the launch of Zero Waste Scotland’s Food Waste campaign. Watch our advert on food waste Animal licensing Rural Affairs Minister Mairi Gougeon welcomed the consultation analysis responses on proposals to introduce new regulations for the licensing of dog, cat and rabbit breeding activities in Scotland. Read more about…
This week: 05/04/19
5th April 2019
Littering from vehicles Tougher action on littering from vehicles is to be introduced as part of a future Circular Economy Bill, Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham has announced. With 1,300 bags – nearly 7 tonnes – of rubbish gathered from the sides of the M8 and M9 alone each month, action will be taken as soon…
This week: 29/3/19
29th March 2019
South of Scotland Enterprise debate Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing led the debate in parliament, the aim of which was to agree to the general principles of the South of Scotland Enterprise Bill. South of Scotland Enterprise has been established to take a fresh approach to the enterprise and skills needs of the South and drive inclusive…
This week: 22/03/19
22nd March 2019
Pinney’s The Pinney’s factory in Annan is set to reopen in Autumn with a new owner, thanks in part to a £1.7 million Regional Selective Assistance grant from Scottish Enterprise. Read more about Pinney’s Climate Change report Climate Change Secretary Roseanna Cunningham talked about the importance of climate change adaptation and how this week’s…
This week: 15/03/19
15th March 2019
Pass It On Week Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham and Zero Waste Scotland Chief Executive Iain Gulland visited Perth Toy Library to see how re-use benefits the local community and tackles waste. Agri-tourism monitor farms Two farms have been selected to develop their food tourism business and encourage others to follow their example. Working with other…
This week: 08/03/19
8th March 2019
Women in the Rural Economy In the run up to International Women’s Day, the Scottish Government posted a series of blogs looking at the important and diverse role women play in driving and supporting Scotland’s rural economy. The series ended with a post from Rural Affairs Minister Mairi Gougeon, on her experience as a woman…