Scotland's Economy
FilmG Awards
March 9, 2012 by Alasdair Allan MSP 2 Comments | Category Culture
We all know that the creative industries, in particular, music, literature and film, do much for Scotland’s reputation worldwide and for our economy.
This evening I’ve had the immense pleasure of attending the FilmG awards in Glasgow. The project aims to develop new talent for BBC ALBA, to encourage grass-roots Gaelic storytelling and film-making and significant new online content in Gaelic.
BBC Alba is increasingly important to Scottish culture and demonstrates the ways in which public service broadcasting can deliver content that is relevant to Scottish audiences, nurture home grown creative talent and develop a thriving creative industries sector that is vital for sustainable economic growth.
In the year that Pixar’s Brave is expected to bring considerable added income to the Scottish economy through tourism, we should not underestimate the contribution of film and television production to the Scottish economy. Through its activities, MGAlba has created, directly and indirectly, 287 FTE posts of which a third are based in the Western Isles.
I have been very pleased to assist FilmG’s drive to inspire new Gaelic film-makers, providing an additional £30,000 of funding for this year’s contribution.
With FilmG now its fifth year, we are seeing an increasing number of entrants and I look forward to seeing some of the entrants push on with their film-making and generating further growth for the Scottish economy.
Tha fios againn uile gu bheil gnìomhachais chruthachail, gu h-àraid ceòl, litreachas agus filmaichean air leth cudromach airson cliù agus eaconamaidh na h-Alba.
A-nochd fhèin, tha mi air mo dhòigh a bhith an làthair aig oidhche dhuaisean FilmG ann an Glaschu. Bidh am pròiseact ag amas air tàlant ùr a bhrosnachadh airson MG ALBA, airson luchd-sgeulachd agus filmadairean a mhisneachadh aig aois òg, agus stuth Gàidhlig ùr a chruthachach airson an làrach-lìn.
Tha BBC ALBA a’ fàs buileach cudromach airson cultar ann an Alba. Tha an t-sianail a’ sealltainn mar a dh’fhaodas seirbheisean craolaidh poblach prògraman ùr a chruthachadh a tha buntainneach do luchd-coimhead, tàlant chruthachail ùr a neartachadh agus gnìomhachais chruthachail a bhrosnachadh a tha riatanach airson a bhith a’ fàs an eaconamaidh.
Anns a’ bhliadhna far a bheil dùil gum bi ‘Brave’ aig Pixar airgead sònraichte a thoirt gu eaconamaidh na h-Alba a thaobh turasachd, bu chòir dhuinn a bhith mothachail air na buannachdan eaconamach ceangailte ri film agus telebhisean. Tro obair MGAlba tha 287 cosnadh làn uine air an cruthachadh, an treas cuid dhiù anns na h-Eileanan an Iar. Tha na h-obraichean seo aig ìre fior mhath agus tha iad ‘ cuideachadh le taic a thoirt do ghnìomhachasan cruthachail.
Tha mi air a bhith uabhasach toilichte cobhair a thoirt gu FilmG filmaidearan ùr a lorg le maoin £30,000 a bharrachd a thoirt seachad am bliadhna.
A-nis anns an’ chòigeamh bliadhna, tha sinn airson àireamhan nam fairpeasach àrdachadh agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri na filmaichean ùr fhaicinn. ’S e mo dhòchas gum brosnaich seo tuilleadh fàs airson eaconamaidh na h-Alba.
Tags: BBC ALBA, FilmG Awards, Gaelic
I think Disney-Pixar’s new film “Brave” will be massive for the Scottish economy. It has recently been announced that the film will premiere at the Edinburgh film festival with all the cast their and the film is expected to feature all over the world so awareness of Scotland will increase dramatically.
I offer this blog post in the spirt of openness, debate and all that good stuff:
My observations on last night’s FilmG awards ceremony: