Improving completeness of data on protected characteristics
23rd June 2021 by Kate Lyne
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Last year, our data on ethnicity was shown not to be adequate. It was incomplete and so our understanding of the impact of Covid-19 on different parts of society wasn’t as good as it could be. To overcome this, the independent Expert Reference Group on COVID-19 and Ethnicity recommended a...
Agricultural Statistics, Data Science and a Crop Map
21st May 2021 by Ally McAlpine
As an analyst with a passion for maps and data science, I am excited about our new data science crop map of agricultural land-use. It helps to improve the accuracy of our statistics which I mentioned in my last blog post. But first let me highlight some other releases, as it has been a busy...
Could this be the last December Agricultural Survey?
23rd March 2021 by Ally McAlpine
Welcome to the first blog on Agricultural Statistics. Through this regular note we will update farmers, agents and other people interested in agricultural food production and associated supply chains on gathering statistics through surveys and other methods. The statistical teams in the Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services (RESAS) Division support many policy areas...
Working Group on Sex and Gender in Data – March update
23rd March 2021 by Office of the Chief Statistician
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Back in summer 2019 I was asked by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People to develop guidance to support public bodies collect and present data on sex and gender. The aim of the work isn’t simply guidance for its own sake, but to create the conditions...
Analytical Exchange 2021
12th February 2021 by datasharingandlinkage
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician The Analytical Exchange programme matches analysts working in Scotland with voluntary sector organisations requesting help around data, analysis, statistics and research on very short, sharp projects. These can be anywhere between an afternoon to 10 working days. Individuals or small groups of statisticians, economists or researchers then act as analytical...
Working Group on Sex and Gender in Data – December update
10th December 2020 by Office of the Chief Statistician
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician It has been a few months since my last update on the sex and gender in data working group, and that is down to the work being paused while I have been focussed on jointly leading the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 Modelling and Analysis team. Through this we have been providing...
Calculation of Scotland level average private sector rents – improvements to methodology
24th November 2020 by Office of the Chief Statistician
We’re making changes to the way that we calculate average rents at a Scotland level within our annual Private Sector Rent Statistics publication. Previous approach In previous publications, the Scotland level average rent figures have been calculated using an unweighted average. Average rent level figures in each area were combined into an overall Scotland figure...
Bespoke Data Access Requests – an update
28th October 2020 by datasharingandlinkage
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Over the last few months, we have faced an extraordinary situation in relation to COVID-19 and all the challenges that has brought and we thought it was a good time to touch base regarding our data access arrangements. The current situation has progressed enough to allow a slight decreased in...
Office for National Statistics COVID-19 Infection Survey
23rd October 2020 by Office of the Chief Statistician
As part of Scotland’s Covid-19 testing strategy, Scotland is participating in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) COVID-19 Infection Survey. The first estimates of the percentage of people in Scotland who test positive for COVID-19 were published today, 23 October. The Scottish results are published on the website, and on the ONS website alongside...
New headline measure of COVID-19 test positivity rate
19th October 2020 by Office of the Chief Statistician
We are changing the way we report the COVID-19 positivity rate as of 19 October 2020. The new approach addresses a limitation of the previous approach. This blog outlines why we are making this change and what its impact will be. Current approach The Scottish Government has been reporting data on the number of new...