
  • Census 2022 – contract management

    28th February 2024 by

    Guest blog by Berit Braun, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. The Digital Assurance Office have been working with the National Records of Scotland (NRS) to capture and share some of their experiences from the delivery of the Census Programme. This is the fifth in a series of case studies. You can read the earlier...

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  • Census 2022 – procurement

    21st February 2024 by

    Guest blog by Berit Braun, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. The Digital Assurance Office have been working with the National Records of Scotland (NRS) to capture and share some of their experiences from the delivery of the Census Programme. This is the fourth in a series of case studies. You can read the earlier...

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  • Census 2022 – meeting the Digital Standard

    14th February 2024 by

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. The Digital Assurance Office have been working with the National Records of Scotland to capture and share some of their experiences from the delivery of the Census Programme. This is the third in a series of case studies. You can read the earlier case...

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  • Uncovering trends in text through the Data Science Accelerator

    13th February 2024 by

    As a public sector data analyst, it’s frustrating when you think you’ve got a good idea to solve a business problem, but don’t have enough time or technical support to explore it fully. That was certainly the case for me when it came to trying to unlock a particular issue for my organisation.

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  • Census 2022 – information governance and standards

    7th February 2024 by

    Guest blog by Laura Johnstone, Continuous Improvement team, Digital Assurance Office. The Digital Assurance Office have been working with the National Records of Scotland to capture and share some of their experiences from the delivery of the Census Programme. This is the second in a series of case studies. You can read the first case...

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  • Census 2022 – Approach to Integrated Assurance

    31st January 2024 by

    The Technology Assurance Framework (TAF) was introduced to support digital programmes and projects to deliver successful outcomes.  The Framework is intended to improve delivery and ensure that the lessons learned from previous experience are reflected and embedded in future practice.  The Digital Assurance Office are working with organisations who have had assurance through the TAF to share their experiences, which might help others deliver digital projects. 

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  • Technology Assurance Framework – effective procurement and contract management

    23rd January 2024 by

    The Digital Assurance Office (DAO), who administer the Technology Assurance Framework, share the lessons learned from their assurance reviews to support others to deliver. This blog shares our insights on where projects had to make improvements to undertake successful procurements and deliver effective contract management.

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  • Basic Law-Making For Legislative Computer Systems: interim findings workshops

    11th January 2024 by

    Blog by Scottish Government, Research Fellow Gordon Guthrie.  Gordon is a Research Fellow at the Scottish Government under the First Minister’s Digital Fellowship Programme. All opinions in this blog are his own and they do not represent Scottish Government policy. I have been doing a research project called BIus – Basic Lawmaking for Digital Systems...

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  • ScotPayments – £13.5 million milestone reached

    18th December 2023 by

    Since launching the minimal viable service in June 2022, we’ve continued to take an agile approach to the development of the platform and adoption of payments, starting small and allowing the service to scale over time. As of December 2023, ScotPayments has now processed over 6000 payments to the value of £13.5 million which will increase at pace as we continue to scale our platform.

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  • Technology Assurance Framework – what we learned from Digital Standard Assessments in 2022/23  

    18th October 2023 by

    In 2022/23 28 Digital Standard Assessments were completed under the Technology Assurance Framework (TAF). The Digital Assurance Office, who administer the TAF, want to share the lessons learned from our assurance reviews. This blog shares our insights on the areas that presented the most challenge to projects going through a Digital Standard Assessment in 2022/23.

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