Exploring public sector personal data benefit sharing
7th December 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
How can the public sector share personal data with the private sector in publicly trusted ways, to unlock the public benefit of this data? We performed a literature review to enable the Scottish Government to identify (I) relevant approaches to benefit and costs sharing and (II) intellectual property rights or royalties schemes regarding the use of public sector personal data with or by the private sector both in the UK and internationally
A digital identity service for Scotland – the road ahead
15th November 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
You can hear more about our progress and future plans by joining our online event on 16 November (14:00-16:00). Registration for ‘A digital identity service for Scotland’ is now open – and everyone is welcome.
Definitions and debates on the path to unlocking the value of public sector data
14th November 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Seemingly simple concepts can disguise hidden complexities, and this has proven true as the Group has discussed what we might mean by 'public sector personal data'. As a citizen and user of Scottish public services, you leave a digital footprint. When you visit a doctor, claim for a benefit, or travel on a public road, data can be collected with legitimate purpose. You leave an electronic echo of your presence.
Introducing the Pilot Public Engagement Panel on the Use of Public Sector Data
11th November 2022 by Helen Davidson
Michaela Omelkova, Data Ethics Advisor for the Data & Intelligence Network, introduces us to the pilot public engagement panel looking at the use of Public Sector data. Reading Time: 4 minutes Using data to monitor rainfall will sound uncontroversial to most people. On the other hand, using data to identify vulnerable individuals at risk of...
What does it mean to have a digital mindset?
3rd November 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
The Scottish Government estimates that 19% of Scottish people do not know how to use digital technology. Lack of access to digital devices, infrastructure, connectivity and support can have a negative impact on someone’s life chances.
Public engagement and the digital identity service
1st November 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
During the development of the digital identity service, we have embraced the Scottish Approach to Service Design with people actively taking part in the definition, design and delivery of the digital identity service.
Global Ethics Day, Public Engagement and the Ethical Use of Data
19th October 2022 by Ally McAlpine
Today (19 October) is Global Ethics Day, which this year celebrates the theme of Ethics Empowered. In this blog Ally McAlpine, Chief Statistician for the Scottish Government, discusses Global Ethics Day and the need for public engagement. Reading Time: 4 mins Global Ethics Day To mark this day, I want to reflect on the ethical...
Online engagement event: Reflections of being Webinar host
18th October 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Guest blog by Carol Sinclair, Strategic Data Adviser for the Scottish Government and Independent Chair of the Health and Social Care Data Board. Determining the best point in time to bring in wider views on any draft document is a bit of a lottery with it highly unlikely you will satisfy the spectrum of views...
Online engagement event: discussing principles for enabling data’s value
14th October 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
We hosted the ‘Unlocking Value of Public Sector Personal Data: Guiding Principles Design’ webinar on 1 September, to get feedback from the public and data practitioners on draft high-level principles for the programme. This would be the first of several opportunities for practitioners, and the wider public, to participate in a citizen-led, collaborative process.
Unlocking the Value of Public Sector Data for Public Benefit: Blog #4
14th October 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
The IEG met for the fifth time at the end of August, and the focus was on engagement. By this we meant engaging, not just with experts on data, industry representatives and policy makers, but also with the wider community and public. Consequently, engagement experts Democratic Society have been appointed by the Scottish Government to support the group with this important facet of our work.