European Structural and Investment Funds
Closing Phase 2: final MAAP meetings
February 7, 2020 by Patrick Douglas No Comments | Category Updates
In February 2018 we announced the call for applications for the second phase of the ESF and ERDF programmes. In August 2019 we let Lead Partners know that this process would be concluding this year.
We have therefore scheduled two more MAAP meetings to consider applications for new or additional funding: Wednesday 26 February and Wednesday 10 June.
The June meeting will be the last MAAP meeting for the 2014-2020 programming period to consider requests for new or additional funding.
What’s required for the next MAAP meetings
For the meeting on 26 February, all proposals should be submitted, assessed and appraised by your Portfolio and Compliance Manager two weeks before the meeting, as is normal practice.
For the meeting on 10 June, we have agreed a set of deadlines between now and the meeting to ensure that there is sufficient time for all proposals to be fully considered and for any questions or issues to be resolved in time.
The key deadlines are:
- Wednesday 18 March – Lead Partners to inform the MA of indicative proposals for new operations or changes.
- Friday 24 April – Lead Partners to submit applications or change requests to the MA.
- Wednesday 27 May – Lead Partners and the MA to complete assessment process of proposals, including any changes.
- Wednesday 10 June – MAAP meeting.
What happens afterwards
After the meeting, we will confirm the decision and issue any new or revised offers of grant as quickly as possible following Ministerial endorsement of the panel’s recommendation.
From 11 June onwards, we will hold interim MAAP meetings to approve change requests. However, the 10 June MAAP meeting represents the last opportunity for Lead Partners to apply for new or additional funding.
To date, 222 operations have been approved and £568m of ESF and ERDF grant has been awarded. Details of all approved operations are regularly updated on our website:
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact your Portfolio and Compliance Manager.
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