Linda White
Written 103 posts
Senior Engagement Manager, Social Security Policy and Delivery Division
Cabinet Secretary launches Care about Angus
10th March 2016
“When I first started it took me about a week before I worked out who was a staff member and who was a volunteer – everyone contributed so much” explained Barry as the car pulled out from Dundee station. As we sped past a huge Desperate Dan mural on the way out of town towards…
West Dunbartonshire Link Up Community Services and Support
15th December 2015
West Dunbartonshire Link Up supports older people to live well in the community. Run by the West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Community and Volunteering Service (CVS), Link Up relies on highly trained volunteers – all aged 55 years and over – to help people in the community to access services and…
Health and Social Care Integration Policy Update: December 2015
8th December 2015
Legislation Twenty-five of the 31 Health and Social Care Partnerships have had their integration schemes formally approved and have been legally established, with five areas fully operational. (East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, West Dunbartonshire and Highland) Scottish Government Officials are continuing to work with partners, providing support to ensure the remaining Integration Schemes are…
Audit Scotland’s Report on Health and Social Care Integration
7th December 2015
Audit Scotland published their first progress report on Health and Social Care Integration on 3 December 2015, making this a good point at which to take stock and reflect on the progress that’s been made and the challenges which lie ahead. The report contains much that is positive, and it’s particularly welcome that they have found…
Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Change in the Nithsdale Locality
7th December 2015
What’s your analogy for the way we want to see services working as a result of health and social care integration? Maybe it’s like a central heating system with an integrated thermostat that people can turn up or down depending on their need and control through the their remote Self Directed Support app? Maybe it’s…
Living Well in Communities
2nd December 2015
This blog post takes a closer look at Living Well in Communities, a new portfolio of improvement work which aims to help people to live well in their communities. The portfolio Living Well in Communities is a collaboration between Healthcare Improvement Scotland, the Joint Improvement Team and the Quality and Efficiency Support Team, which aims…
National Campaign to Raise Awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation
2nd December 2015
The Scottish Government will be launching a campaign to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation week commencing 25 January 2016. The national awareness campaign will be aimed primarily at parents/carers and children and young people aged 11-17 years old and will include TV advertising and poster material which will run for a three week period. Partnership…
The Buurtzorg model: Caring for each other with mutuality at the core
18th November 2015
In this blog post, Ian Mitchell talks about his recent visit to the Netherlands and his own personal experiences shadowing Buurtzorg Community Nurse, Thomas on his morning house visits in the local community. Crack of dawn – the town of Wijk bij Duurstede in central Netherlands I set off from the town square by traditional…
Buurtzorg – An Innovation in Health Care
18th November 2015
Buurtzorg care organisation, based in the Netherlands, has revolutionised the care sector in Holland using the old principles of community care. Founded in 2007 by Jos de Blok, a former community nurse and manager, it has grown from just 4 nurses at its inception to one currently employing 9500 nurses, providing care to 70,000 patients…
Policy Update: Integration of Health and Social Care
28th October 2015
Consultations In Progress The Scottish Government is currently conducting two targeted consultations in relation to consequential amendments as a result of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014. The first consultation is in relation to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Integration Joint Boards) (Scotland) Order 2014 and the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Integration Joint…