Spotlight on Fishermen’s Mission
18th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
‘Don’t struggle in silence’ is the message from the chief executive of a charity that has seen an influx in calls and requests from fishers impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the EU Exit over the last year.
Outcome of UK/EU/Norway negotiations
16th March 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The trilateral fisheries negotiations between UK, the EU and Norway have concluded with quotas agreed for a number of shared stocks.
Engaging the fishing industry in marine environmental survey and monitoring
16th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Surveys using local information from fishers have been used to better understand marine life in and around Scotland’s network of Marine Protected Areas.
Scottish anglers wanted for Sea Angling Diary
15th March 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Sea Angling Diary Project which is funded by the Scottish Government, UK Government and devolved governments of Wales and Northern Ireland, is encouraging 2,000 sea anglers to sign up to a free mobile app to record their fishing activity and catches.
British Science Week 2021
5th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
To celebrate British Science Week 2021 Marine Scotland has produced some new videos to put the spotlight on the importance of our seas, oceans and freshwaters. So join us to learn more about the seas and climate change and to find out what it’s like working in the lab. These talks are suitable for Secondary 2 to 6 pupils.
Supporting a new approach to fisheries management
18th February 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Scottish Inshore Fisheries Integrated Data System (SIFIDS) project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and administered by the Scottish Government saw more than 130 vessel skippers in 43 ports around Scotland host research trips, have tracking and/or scanning devices installed, take part in surveys and contribute significantly to equipment and software development.
Seafood scheme goes live
5th February 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Applications are now available for a new £6.45 million funding scheme for fishers and small aquaculture businesses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and EU Exit.
Rural Economy Secretary letter to UK Government on crab claw exports to the EU
22nd January 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing has written to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on issues relating to crab claw exports to the EU.
New website for Regional Inshore Fisheries Group Network
5th January 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
A new website to provide fishers with a source of up to date information has been launched by Scotland’s Regional Inshore Fisheries Group (RIFG) network.
Controls for wild wrasse fisheries
1st December 2020 by Marine Scotland Communications
Mandatory controls over the harvesting of wild wrasse for managing sea lice in the salmon farming industry have been announced by Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing.