Tracking Atlantic Salmon and seatrout smolts
15th July 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
Scientists from Marine Scotland are working with the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Ltd, in association with Glasgow University and local migratory fish interests, to monitor Atlantic Salmon smolt (Salmo salar) and seatrout smolt (Salmo trutta) as they migrate from the Cromarty Firth to their feeding grounds. As part of a programme, the fish are being tagged in...
New method for estimating the risk of collision between harbour seals and tidal turbines
9th June 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
As the offshore marine renewables industry grows, the way that marine mammals interact with these are of particular importance. This is especially true of tidal devices and one particular concern is the risk of collision between these animals and rotating turbine blades below the sea surface. A new report has been published, commissioned by Scottish Natural...
Listening for Marine Mammals
3rd June 2016 by Marine Directorate Communications
The East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study (ECOMMAS) array continued collecting data in 2016. On the 28th of April Alba na Mara sailed from Fraserburgh to deploy moorings at 10 station locations along the Scottish East Coast. The trip lasted 10 days and all the moorings were deployed successfully. The marine mammal listening array extends...
Survey on the environmental impacts of subsea cables: Renewables Grid Initiative
11th December 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
On behalf of the Renewables Grid Initiative, NIRAS are engaged in a project aiming to assist permitting authorities, project developers and stakeholders, such as environmental protection groups, throughout the development process of subsea grid infrastructure. NIRAS kindly asks for your expert input via a short online survey for environmental impacts on subsea cables. The questionnaire...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 30 July 2015
30th July 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on “Approaches to cost reduction in the offshore wind industry”. Read the full update
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 26 March 2015
30th March 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This week’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on Wave and Tidal Energy in the UK: Capitalising on Capability. Read the full update Related Links All previous Marine Analytical Unit updates
European Plans for the Ocean Energy Sector – October 2014
17th October 2014 by Paul Stainer
The European Commission has developed a two-step action plan to support the emerging ocean energy sector in Europe. In the first phase (2014 – 2016), an Ocean Energy Forum will be set up, which will bring together stakeholders to develop a shared understanding of the problems and to develop solutions. It will focus on building...
8th International GIScience conference
10th October 2014 by Paul Stainer
In September, Marine Scotland Science staff attended the 2014 8th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIS),. The biennial conference, held in Vienna and hosted by the Austrian University of Technology brought together more than 600 international participants from academia, industry, and government organisations to discuss the state-of-the-art advances in the field of GIS. This...
SNH Commissioned Report 783: Understanding the potential effects of wave energy devices on kelp biotopes
24th September 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
This report improves understanding of the potential changes to kelp habitats that could occur as a result of the development of wave energy renewables projects around Scotland’s coasts. An objective risk assessment found that kelp habitats have the potential to be affected by site-specific disturbance by wave energy projects. However, given the extent of kelp...
New Publications on Marine Renewable Energy Developments
20th August 2014 by Paul Stainer
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) have recently completed two reports relating to marine renewable energy developments and their potential impact on the environment. These reports offer a risk assessment of the interaction between marine renewable devices and the diving birds and megafauna in the area. The first report, Commissioned Report No. 773. A Diving Bird Collision...