
  • Marine Scotland Interactive on Twitter

    9th December 2010 by

    Now you can follow this blog and new data products from Marine Scotland Interactive (MSI) via twitter. Tweets will be automatically issued when there is a new blog post, and we will also notify followers when we make changes to the MSI web pages. Our twitter feed can be located at

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  • Calanus poster

    9th December 2010 by

    One of the Marine Scotland Science posters that was to be presented at the MASTS conference in November 2010 (which was cancelled due to weather) describes some of the data collected at the coastal monitoring sites. It describes patterns in the abundance of Calanoid copepods which are important in marine ecosystems, particularly as food for...

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    23rd November 2010 by

    The MASTS (Marine Alliance for Science & Technology Scotland) Annual Science Conference takes place in Oban at the end of this month. Included amidst a wide programme, presentations will be made on monitoring results from Stonehaven and Loch Ewe. More details will follow shortly…

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  • Collection of water samples at known depths

    16th November 2010 by

    A Van Dorn Bottle (see photo) is used to collect water samples from discrete depths. The water samples collected using this apparatus are analysed for silicate and the nutrients; ammonia, nitrate and phosphate.

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  • Tail-end of Hurricane Tomas

    12th November 2010 by

    The high winds that have hit the UK this week are likely to be related to the tail-end of Hurricane Tomas which has been reeking havoc in Ireland. It is Friday today, the winds have dropped and the sea state has improved, however, due to technical problems at Stonehaven harbour, Temora is trapped in the inner harbour...

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  • Gales

    8th November 2010 by

    SE winds of over 30 mph are forecast today and later in the week. A close eye will be kept on the weather (see photo of conditions today) this week in an effort to spot a window in which the sampling can be undertaken.

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  • Snow on the mountains in the hinterlands of Loch Ewe

    1st November 2010 by

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  • et al.

    26th October 2010 by

    Definition: et al. = and others. Similar to an ice berg, there is a lot more beneath the surface of the coastal monitoring! The coastal monitoring of the plankton biologists (see previous post) is mutually supported by teams of technicians, oceanographers and chemists.

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  • Plankton Biologists

    22nd October 2010 by

    A team of about nine plankton biologists are involved in the monitoring of the plankton on the east coast, at Stonehaven and the west coast, at Loch Ewe. The results of some of the phytoplankton monitoring at Stonehaven is published as: Bresnan et al. (2009) Seasonal and interannual variation in the phytoplankton community in the...

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  • Temora

    19th October 2010 by

    M.V. Temora (Motor Vessel Temora) is owned by Marine Scotland Science and is used each week to sample plankton and associated environmental parameters in coastal waters 5 km offshore at Stonehaven on the east coast of Scotland. Click on the highlighted vessel name to find out the vessel details.

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