How do seals interact with shipping vessels?
17th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
As shipping activity continues to increase around the world, understanding the way that marine mammals interact with vessels is of particular importance. Such concerns generally relate to potential harmful effects of increased shipping noise on marine mammals and the potential for physical injury due to collisions. This is a particular issue for harbour seals (Phoca...
New topic sheet – age estimation in fish
14th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
How can you tell how old a fish is? Any why bother? Age estimation is a fundamental part of studies of the life history of fish. In commercial marine fisheries, it is a key area in the monitoring, assessment and management of fish stocks because age determined parameters (such as age profiles, age at first...
The Buckland Foundation lecture – 2 November 2016
12th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Buckland Foundation: How smart are fish? Integrating what scientists and fishers know. 2nd November 2016, Institute of Zoology, Outer Circle, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY from 18:00 to 2100 The talks in this event will challenge the commonly-held view of fish as robot-like animals with no intelligence and a 30 second memory, which often...
Scottish Natural Heritage newsletter – It’s all about… our natural health service
7th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
The latest edition of the Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) newsletter is out now, with articles about developing our natural health service, outdoor learning experiences with Education Scotland and more. Further Information Read the newsletter Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)
Do you use fisheries statistics?
6th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
How much fish is landed in Scotland every year? How much is it worth? Which species are landed and where? You might not be aware, but the role of Marine Scotland’s Analytical Unit is to provide data on a range of marine and fisheries topics such as this (any others). This data, which is gathered from industry, research and others, is...
Joint Warrior Training Activity: 8th to 20th October 2016
6th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
Joint Warrior (JW) 162, will take place between 8th and 20th October 2016 and will comprise of a programme of exercises conducted across the UK by land forces, warships, submarines and aircraft from 15 Nations. The majority of the exercise will be focussed in the airspace, offshore and coastal waters to the North and North...
A National Marine Centre for Scotland
4th October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick fulfils an important role in helping people to understand the importance of some of Scotland’s most important sea-bird populations. Looking to the future, they are proposing to extend the Centre into a National Marine Centre for Scotland, and Marine Scotland is delighted to be working with them to enable people to...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – September 2016
3rd October 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit is now available with the most up to date information about the fish price index, nephrops prices and key facts and figures on Scottish fisheries. Read the full update
MRV Scotia: Survey 1416S Programme
29th September 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
Duration: 27 September – 9 October 2016 Gear Sea-Bird CTDs, ADCPs and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment, freezer, mooring equipment, recovery trawl. Objectives Test the CTD in the Buchan Deep off Peterhead. Perform hydrographic sampling along the JONSIS long term monitoring section in the northern North Sea. Perform hydrographic sampling along the long term...
28th September 2016 by Marine Scotland Communications
MarCRF was well represented at the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) Annual Science Conference 2016, this week in Riga, Latvia. Research Fellow Jacqui Tweddle (pictured right) presented in the “What is a good pelagic habitat?” session, talking about “Phytoplankton: supporting a good pelagic habitat”, which was well received and started a...