
  • Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – August 2016

    1st September 2016 by

    Peterhead Fish Market

    This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit is now available with information about the fish price index, nephrops prices and key facts and figures on Scottish fisheries. Read the full update

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  • Surveying basking sharks in Scotland

    31st August 2016 by

    In 2014, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) put forward ‎the Sea of the Hebrides Marine Protected Area (MPA) proposal, on the west coast of Scotland, with the features of interest including both basking sharks and minke whale. Work has recently been commissioned by SNH to undertake a series of ultra-high resolution...

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  • West’s Travel to the East

    30th August 2016 by

    Receiving emails from Jim Manning, a USA-based collaborator, is always exciting.  In general, these emails notify us of the wonderful travels of various satellite-tracked objects (e.g. ocean drifters, small unmanned sail ships).  Back in April 2015, we received such an email to tell us about a small, 5 foot long, unmanned sail boat, called Crimson...

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  • Celebrating Merchant Navy Day

    12th August 2016 by

    Minna in Grangemouth

    The 3 September is Merchant Navy Day – a day for us to recognise and thank the seafaring men and women who were involved in both World Wars, and to celebrate our modern day merchant seafarers. What you may not know though is that our colleagues from Marine Scotland Compliance, who crew the Marine Protection...

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  • Funding available for offshore renewable environmental research and monitoring

    9th August 2016 by

    As part of a €40 million grant awarded by the EU to the European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC), also known as Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Limited (AOWFL) under the European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR), around €3 million has been committed for the sole purpose of environmental research and monitoring. A number of organisations, including Marine Scotland Science, will...

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  • Marine Scotland Science Annual Review 2015/16

    8th August 2016 by

    The latest Marine Scotland Science Annual Review 2015/16 has just been published which gives an insight in to the huge range of knowledge, skills, achievements and level of work undertaken by the scientists working within the Marine Scotland family. As the Head of Science, Professor Colin Moffat (pictured right), explains: “High quality science and advice that...

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  • In Deep at the UN – the verdict

    5th August 2016 by

    At the end of July, we featured a blog about Marine Scotland scientist, Dr Francis Neat, and his upcoming visit to the United Nations to discuss deep-sea fishing regulations and conservation in the high seas. The intrepid traveller has now returned and tells us how it was for him: “This week the UN General Assembly held...

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  • The East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study continues

    4th August 2016 by

    The east coast of Scotland is home to several species of marine mammals and the animals are regularly monitored to make sure that the populations are healthy and also to improve our understanding of how and when they use different areas along the Scottish coast. The plans for marine developments along the east coast of...

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  • Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – July 2016

    3rd August 2016 by

    This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published with information about whitefish prices. Read the full update

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  • In deep at the United Nations

    28th July 2016 by

    Next week, Marine Scotland scientist Dr Francis Neat (pictured right) will join the EU delegation to the UN in New York to discuss deep-sea fishing regulations and conservation in the high seas. It’s a huge honour and as Francis explains “we rarely think too much about that part of the ocean that is beyond our national jurisdiction...

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