
  • MRV Scotia: Survey 0116S Programme

    7th January 2016 by

    Duration: 5 – 20 January 2016 Fishing gear: BT 101 with tickler chains; flats and rockhopper ground gear; Sediment Sampling: Day grab and sieves; Litter sampling: Catamaran neuston trawl; Plankton net; Water sampling: Aquatracka fluorometer, Seabird 19 and sled. Objectives: To undertake water, sediment and biological sampling for the Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme (CSEMP);...

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  • Update: Joint industry/science research projects funded under the 2015 FISA call

    5th January 2016 by

    The FISA Steering Group has awarded over £130,000 of Marine Scotland funding for collaborative projects involving Scottish fishermen and scientists. Four new projects are receiving funding directed at improving knowledge on data limited stocks, analysing under-utilised fisheries data and reducing unwanted catches through improved gear technology. Following a call for proposals and selection process, the...

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  • Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 23 December 2015

    31st December 2015 by

    This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on the review of access to industry marine environment data. Read the full update

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  • Marine Scotland Science Launch Fish Necropsy Manual

    29th December 2015 by

    Aquaculture and fish health colleagues in Marine Scotland Science (MSS) have recently launched a Fish Necropsy Manual – an online interactive website covering 10 important fish species in aquaculture or fisheries. In addition to the thoroughly illustrated necropsy technique, the manual contains additional information on: functional anatomy, post mortem phenomena, laboratory technical requirements, animal welfare, a dedicated glossary...

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  • Update from Scotia research survey 1815S: December in the Faroe-Shetland Channel

    21st December 2015 by

    Greetings from Scotia from the Faroe-Shetland Channel! A group of experienced scientists and engineers came on-board Scotia on Thursday December 10th to sail into the northern North Sea and on into the Faroe-Shetland Channel. More than a week into our 12-day trip, we can clearly say that we have had exceptional weather for December with...

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  • What lies beneath Rockall?

    18th December 2015 by

    Rockall, a tiny island not much bigger than a house, sits on the very extremity of Scotland’s marine environment. Some 180 miles due west of St. Kilda, it is buffeted year round by the extreme winds and swell that the North Atlantic weather generates. As such, it is Scotland’s only truly offshore shallow water ecosystem....

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  • Marine Scotland Staff Clean Up: 10 December 2015

    16th December 2015 by

    Not one to let a bit of cold weather, and a lack of helpers deter him, our intrepid litter-picker-upper, Danny Pendrey, ventured out last week to keep on top of the beach litter and ensure all the fantastic clean-up work him, and his team, have done isn’t in vain. Totals to date are: Bottles and...

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  • Making the most of marine data

    15th December 2015 by

    In the latest Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) ‘The Nature of Scotland’ magazine is an article highlighting the importance of marine data to managing Scotland’s seas sustainably. This timely article, co-written with Marine Scotland, sets out the growing use of data in support to such initiatives as the designation of Marine Protected Areas and, equally as...

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  • Biologist’s update from Shieldaig: December 2015

    14th December 2015 by

    Late summer and autumn are busy periods at the Shieldaig field station. The two main tasks are running the river trap for sea trout (ascending) and silver eels (descending) and carrying out electrofishing surveys of the catchment. After a wet spring and summer, September was reasonably dry, allowing the electrofishing to be conducted without hindrance....

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  • Survey on the environmental impacts of subsea cables: Renewables Grid Initiative

    11th December 2015 by

    On behalf of the Renewables Grid Initiative, NIRAS are engaged in a project aiming to assist permitting authorities, project developers and stakeholders, such as environmental protection groups, throughout the development process of subsea grid infrastructure. NIRAS kindly asks for your expert input via a short online survey for environmental impacts on subsea cables. The questionnaire...

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