Eco City Award for Marine Scotland Volunteers
9th December 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Congratulations to Danny Pendrey and volunteers for their recent Eco City Award from Aberdeen City Council (ACC). The award was given in recognition of the beach cleans that Marine Scotland (MS) staff have been conducting since the beginning of the year. Danny Pendrey not only organised the clean-ups, for MS staff, but has been heavily...
MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 1915A Programme
8th December 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 4-18 December 2015 Equipment: Sandeel dredge × 2 (modified 4′ scallop dredge with 6″ teeth and spare toothbars) with towing bar and camera attachment; TV camera; and Minilogger (or equivalent – DST). Objectives: To determine the abundance, length and age of sandeels in the sediment in regions east of the Firth of Forth and...
Marine Scotland Scientists Contribute to Management and Control of Important Salmon Parasites
4th December 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland scientists have recently carried out two studies, funded by the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF), to determine the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) against important parasites of marine salmonids – Lepeophtheirus salmonis, often referred to as the salmon louse, and Paramoeba perurans, which is responsible for amoebic gill disease (AGD). As well as...
Protecting the Ocean Quahog
3rd December 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Ocean quahog, Arctica islandica, is a large marine bivalve that can live for over 500 years. This makes it one of the longest lived animals known to science. It is found around British and Irish coasts and lives in sediments from just below low water to depths of about 500 metres. They are often...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 25 November 2015
1st December 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on Stakeholder participation and satisfaction in the process of developing management plans. Read the full update
New report published about the Spatial dynamics of scallops in relation to the Orkney dive fishery
26th November 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
This new report – a Report of Fishing Industry Science Alliance (FISA) Project 03/12 – has been published in the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science series. ******** The principal method of fishing for king scallops in Orkney waters is hand collection by divers. Local scallop divers, exploiting small patches of seabed, have reported that these exploited areas...
MRV Scotia: Survey 1715S Programme
24th November 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 18 November – 8 December 2015 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137 – Strengthened) and ground gear D. Objectives: To participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey; To obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position; and To collect additional biological data in connection with the EU data collection framework...
MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 1815A Programme
18th November 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 26 November – 1 December 2015 Sampling Gear: BT 158 with 50 mm cod-end; 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end; Day grab and table; Catamaran and manta neuston net; and Bongo net. Objectives: To undertake flatfish sampling in St Andrews Bay, and Forth estuary in support of the Clean Seas Environment Monitoring...
MRV Sir John Murray: Survey 0215SJM Programme
17th November 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Duration: 16-22 November 2015 Sampling Gear: SEPA-provided 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end; SEPA-provided bottom trawl with 50 mm cod-end; SEPA-provided Day grab and table; MSS-provided catamaran and manta neuston net; and MSS-provided bongo nets for plankton sampling. Objectives: To undertake flatfish and sediment sampling in the Clyde and Solway in support of...
MRV Scotia: An update on survey 1615S
12th November 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
We sailed from Aberdeen on 4th November to undertake comparison trials of a new ground gear (ground gear E), with a standard ground gear (ground gear B). The survey began with instrumentation trials, before moving to commercial fishing grounds to undertake catchability trials. Once the required number of hauls were completed for ground gear E,...