Migrating Atlantic salmon findings published
1st August 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland Science has published findings of a study looking at the behaviour of homeward migrating salmon in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. The study is part of a research programme, funded by the Scottish Government, which aims to identify and minimise any disruptions to wildlife as the marine renewable energy industry develops.Using coastal...
MRV Scotia Survey 0814S – Herring Acoustic Survey Complete
31st July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Scotia has now completed the annual HERAS ( HERring Acoustic Survey), returning to Aberdeen on 17 July 2014. HERAS is an International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) co-ordinated survey with five countries taking a “snapshot” of herring stocks with coverage from the southern North Sea to north of Shetland and down...
Marine Scotland Science make an appearance on BBC Coast
30th July 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
Last night, the BBC’s Coast programme featured an article about counting fish in the sea, including some of the history – and science -behind fisheries research. Marine Scotland scientists Coby Needle and John Dunn were interviewed with Coby explaining how fish are aged and how the process of assessing fish stocks is done. John spoke about the story...
Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 24 July 2014
24th July 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
This week’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article which announces the designation of 30 Marine Protected Areas. Read the full update Related Links All previous Marine Analytical Unit updates
Supporting the Scottish Marine Protected Area (MPA) project
24th July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
This week the Scottish MPA project reached a significant milestone this week with the designation of 30 protected sites throughout Scottish waters. This network is the result of work involving many agencies and organisations. Marine Scotland Science (MSS) has been working hard conducting research, monitoring surveys and providing advice to help support this work. MSS...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
16th July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
EcoWatt2050 – maximum marine energy extraction, minimum environmental impact Funding of more than £1 million has been awarded to a Scottish-based project that will help to determine the limits to tidal and wave energy extraction before potential environmental and ecological impacts occur. Read the Article
MRV Scotia; Survey 0814S – Herring Acoustic Survey
16th July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
Overview of survey: The MRV Scotia and a chartered pelagic vessel will conduct the Herring Acoustic Survey covering the area shown below. The pelagic vessel will identify fish shoals using the echosounder and fishing operations will be carried out using the multisampler cod end unless large aggregations are seen in the area. Samples of all species...
MRV Alba na Mara; Survey 1214A – Renewable Energy Survey
16th July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
Overview of survey: The survey work will involve the deployment of the TV drop frame (shown right) and, where practical, the deployment of a day grab. Some additional bathymetric survey work and trawling may also be undertaken depending on the weather conditions. MRV Alba na Mara will complete a half landing to exchange scientific staff. The...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
16th July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
Fishermen scraping the bottom of the barrel in the English Channel Decades of overfishing in the English Channel has resulted in the removal of many top predators from the sea and left fishermen ‘scraping the barrel’ for increasing amounts of shellfish to make up their catch. Sharks, rays, cod, haddock and many other species at...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
9th July 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
Anti-depressants disrupt fish’s brains Drugs designed to ease the symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress can have major disruptive effects on aquatic animals’ brains, say scientists. A suite of new research, published in a special issue of the journal Aquatic Toxicology, points to mounting evidence that they...