162 returned results for 'research vessel'

  • Oil and Gas Pipeline Survey

    Survey: MRV Scotia 1518S Duration: 18 –  24 October 2018   Equipment: Day grabs; TV drop frame with lasers; armoured cable; SVP; swathe multibeam echosounder system; EK 60; CTD; VMADCP and time lapse cameras.   Objectives: To assess the hydrographic influences on the aggregation of fish around surface laid oil and gas pipelines. To assess the…

    23rd October 2018

  • Go west….to Greenland!

    We’re excited about bringing you this next blog. Sean, who you’ll read about below, is taking part in a West Greenland Salmon Sampling trip. But what is it and why is sampling done in Greenland? Read on to find out….  Welcome to my West Greenland Salmon Sampling Photo Blog My name is Sean Dugan and…

    13th September 2018

  • Trawling with the Data Collectors

    Survey: 1118S MRV Scotia Duration: 28 July – 17 August 2018 Fishing Gear: Grande Overture Verticale (GOV) trawl (BT 137) with Ground Gear A and B Objectives: Complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area IV. Obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station using…

    10th August 2018

  • Sampling and Surveying the Sea Lochs

    Survey: 1118A MRV Alba na Mara Duration: 27 July – 07 August 2018 Gear: Day grabs (x 2) – supplied by Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Craib corer – supplied by MSS Drop-down video frame – supplied by Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) mooring. Objectives: The objectives of this survey…

    2nd August 2018

  • Celebrating the Year of the Engineer with a father and son – Phil Copland

    As we mentioned in our blog in January, 2018 is the Year of the Engineer as well as the Year of the Young Person. Over the course of the year, we’ll be introducing you to some of our incredibly talented engineers, as well as showing your some of their work. Unusually within our engineering section,…

    10th July 2018

  • Surveying the German High Seas fleet in Scapa Flow

    Duration: 23 – 31 July 2017 Sampling Gear Swathe multibeam echosounder system TV drop frame with armoured cable Scout System RoxAnn system Seatronics ROV Project Summary This project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project to undertake remote sensing and diver surveys of the High Seas Fleet and the War Graves HMS Hampshire, HMS Vanguard and HMS…

    27th July 2017

  • New report published about bird and mammal displacement with wave and tidal energy devices

    As the offshore marine renewables industry grows, understanding the way that marine species may respond to the installation and operation of wave and tidal energy devices is of particular importance. Recently, extensive research and effort has gone into furthering our understanding of potential implications of deploying these devices into Scottish waters. However, several questions still…

    13th June 2017

  • Scottish Fishermen Land 1000th Tonne of Marine Litter

    Our very own Professor Colin Moffat was asked recently to attend and give a short presentation at an event to celebrate the success of the KIMO UK’s Fishing for Litter scheme. Supported by partners, including the Scottish Government, the Fishing for Litter scheme encourages skippers of fishing vessels to land litter they catch in their…

    18th January 2017

  • MRV Scotia: Survey 1416S Programme

    Duration: 27 September – 9 October 2016 Gear Sea-Bird CTDs, ADCPs and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment, freezer, mooring equipment, recovery trawl. Objectives Test the CTD in the Buchan Deep off Peterhead. Perform hydrographic sampling along the JONSIS long term monitoring section in the northern North Sea. Perform hydrographic sampling along the long term…

    29th September 2016

  • MarCRF at ICES

    MarCRF was well represented at the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) Annual Science Conference 2016, this week in Riga, Latvia. Research Fellow Jacqui Tweddle (pictured right) presented in the “What is a good pelagic habitat?” session, talking about “Phytoplankton: supporting a good pelagic habitat”, which was well received and started a…

    28th September 2016