162 returned results for 'research vessel'

  • Today is the day of the Seafarer

    Today is the ‘Day of the Seafarer’ and to celebrate, we wanted to share a very special poem penned by our resident bard, net rigger and father of two Matt Kinghorn. It’s a little something for all of you who work at sea. Day of the Seafarer It’s not easy you know, going to sea, Maybe for some…

    25th June 2018

  • Multi-tasking with the Scotia: Part 2

    The second week on the Nephrops TV survey on Scotia was considerably less eventful than the first – thankfully! The work progressed well having travelled through the North Minch recovering and then deploying another COMPASS cetacean mooring at the Shiants, and then working down past Uist and Barra, replacing a third COMPASS mooring en route….

    22nd June 2018

  • Multi-tasking with the Scotia

    MRV Scotia left Aberdeen on 3rd June 2018 to begin survey 0818S – the ‘Annual Nephrops Underwater TV Survey’ (UWTV) – covering Fladen (North Sea), the North and South Minches, the Clyde, and the Sound of Jura. TV operations went well during the first day until the sea state worsened so the survey was halted until early on…

    19th June 2018

  • Benthic Biotopes in Barra

    Survey: 0818A Duration: 8 – 14 June 2018 Gear: Seatronics drop frame (to be loaded 05.06.18) – SNH hire Seatronics lights (to be loaded 05.06.18) – SNH hire HD TV system + lights (5 plastic cages) Armoured cable + spare + axle stands & bar Day grab + table + 2 x sieve drawers Background…

    11th June 2018

  • Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person with Dr Campbell Pert

    As we mentioned in one of our earlier blogs, 2018 is both the Year of the Engineer and the Year of the Young Person – and this blog is about one of our many colleagues who are inspiring the next generation with their Outreach work. This is Campbell, our key parasitologist. What’s one of them?…

    24th May 2018

  • Salmon Smolt Surveying on the Sunbeam

    Survey: 0718H – MFV Sunbeam FR487 Duration: 04-16 May 2018 Scientific gear: Smolt trawl, Thyboron type 15vf pelagic trawl doors (6m2), Dyneema sweep rig and Fenders (dia 300mm with 215kg buoyancy) attached 4 per side of the trawl. Video frame/box incorporating pit tag detector. Self-contained underwater camera systems. Objectives: To undertake smolt trawl surveys in…

    11th May 2018

  • Predicting Suitable Habitat

    Survey: 0618A – MRV Alba n Mara Duration: 5-14 May 2018 Gear: Hybrid drop/lander frame and calibration mesh; HD TV system and lights (five plastic cages); Armoured cable, spare, axle stands and bar; Stereo TV system; and Day grab, table and two sieve drawers. Background and Objectives: This survey will conduct a benthic survey of southern,…

    10th May 2018

  • Recover, Download, Re-deploy, Repeat

    Survey: 0618S – MRV Scotia Duration: 2-12 May 2018 Gear: Sea-Bird CTDs, ADCPs and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment, mooring equipment, chemistry sampling and analysis equipment. Objectives: Perform hydrographic sampling along the AlterEco monitoring section in the northern North Sea, which will be sampled on all MSS oceanographic surveys in 2018. Perform hydrographic sampling…

    4th May 2018

  • Rock-all and Trawl with Genesis

    Survey: 0818H – MFV Genesis BF505 Duration: 25 April -10 May 2018 Fishing Gear: Anglerfish Trawl BT 195 Objectives: To undertake a nationally co-ordinated demersal trawling survey of Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and Lophius budegassa) at Rockall Bank (ICES area VIb and Northwestern Shelf (ICES area VIa) inside the 1000m isobaths. To additionally record and map…

    2nd May 2018

  • Twinkle twinkle little starfish

    Survey: 0518A Duration: 14 April – 2 May 2018 Gear: Scallop dredges Objectives To carry out a survey of scallop stocks on the West Coast. To age, measure and assess shell damage on all scallops caught. To Identify and sample additional areas of commercial interest to the scallop fishery. To collect information on by-catch of…

    12th April 2018