162 returned results for 'research vessel'
What’s at our Disposal? The latest from the research vessel Alba na mara
Survey: 0918A Duration: 18 June – 1 July 2018 Sampling Gear: TV drop frame, TV winch and cable, 2 x day grabs and RoxAnn. Objectives To undertake grab, underwater television (UTV) and RoxAnn surveys of sea disposal sites and assess the condition of the seabed, identify the predominant benthic epifauna species, and the distribution of…
20th June 2018
When a research vessel became an aircraft carrier…for drones
During cruise 0816S, which ran from the 22nd to the 25th June, 2016, eleven marine scientists set sail from Aberdeen harbour towards the small island of Stroma in the Pentland Firth aboard MRV Scotia. The team was comprised of scientists from Marine Scotland, Aberdeen University and the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). The cruise’s…
11th July 2016
Report on UK Public Sector Research Vessels published
A report looking at the current fleet of UK Public Sector Research Vessels has been published. The report has been put together on behalf of the Marine Science Co-ordination Committee’s (MSCC) Research Vessel Working Group, who ensure that we get maximum value from the research vessels through collaboration and cooperation. By working together, the UK gains £4.5M worth of additional scientific…
10th February 2016
Life on a research vessel – sampling on the MRV Scotia in the Faroe Shetland Channel
Ever wondered what it’s like being on a research vessel? We’ve just added a new film to our Youtube channel to give you an idea of just that. Filmed over a number of years, this short programme shows some of the research work that is carried out by the Marine Scotland scientists on board the MRV Scotia. The…
31st July 2015
Protecting and researching our seas
You may have seen our recent tweet showing the launch of the marine protection vessel (MPV) Hirta, it really is quite a thrilling moment when you watch the vessel hit the water. The MPV Hirta launched in Gdansk, Poland on 17 August 2007 and so began life on the waves as part of our fleet….
25th August 2020
Skate Research: Survey in the Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura MPA
MRV Alba na Mara Survey: 1619A Programme Duration: 24-30 September 2019 Background and Objectives: Survey 1619A will conduct a benthic survey of juvenile common skate within and around the Loch Sunart to the Sound of Jura Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area (hereafter referred to as MPA). The primary objective of survey 1619A is to assess the…
19th September 2019
Researching Blue Carbon – meet Alasdair O’Dell
A new Scottish Government funded research programme into Blue Carbon began earlier this year as part of a commitment in the 2017-2018 Programme for Government. The current focus revolves around measuring the ability of various habitats to sequester carbon, understanding how it is stored for the long term, and building an evidence base on the…
23rd November 2018
How do seals interact with shipping vessels?
As shipping activity continues to increase around the world, understanding the way that marine mammals interact with vessels is of particular importance. Such concerns generally relate to potential harmful effects of increased shipping noise on marine mammals and the potential for physical injury due to collisions. This is a particular issue for harbour seals (Phoca…
17th October 2016
MV Clupea changes course from Research to Rescue
Marine Scotland’s former research vessel Clupea has recently found a new vocation turning from research cruises to rescue missions. Now known as Sea-Watch 2, the MV Clupea underwent some major refit works in Hamburg, including the addition of a medical ward, to allow it to operate all year round and under bad weather conditions when,…
17th May 2016
Update: Joint industry/science research projects funded under the 2015 FISA call
The FISA Steering Group has awarded over £130,000 of Marine Scotland funding for collaborative projects involving Scottish fishermen and scientists. Four new projects are receiving funding directed at improving knowledge on data limited stocks, analysing under-utilised fisheries data and reducing unwanted catches through improved gear technology. Following a call for proposals and selection process, the…
5th January 2016