Happy World Children’s Day
20th November 2023 by Children's Rights Team
To mark World Children’s Day 2023 we invited young people from the Scottish Youth Parliament to ask Ms Don, the Minister for Children and Young People and Keeping the Promise, their questions about the work to embed children’s rights into Scots law.
A national conversation on local democracy and community power
11th September 2023 by Local Governance Review
Guest blog on the Local Governance Review's community engagement 'Democracy matters'
Message to children and young people from Minister for Children and Young People
16th March 2023 by Clare Haughey MSP - Minister for Children and Young People
To the Children and Young People of Scotland I wanted to say thank you to the children and young people from Scotland who are participating in an important event happening in Spring with the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in Geneva. The group from Scotland – known as #TeamScotlandUN – have...
Scotland’s suicide prevention strategy and action plan
17th January 2023 by Jen Swan
Scotland’s new suicide prevention strategy and action plan were published in 2022. We asked Dominic & Oliver from the Suicide Prevention Policy & Delivery Team to blog about how they developed these, and in particular how they engaged with a wide and varied range of people and organisations. Scotland’s new suicide prevention strategy and action...
The launch of the UNCRC parents booklet
24th November 2022 by Shelly Coyne
World Children’s Day 2022 (20th November 2022) saw the launch of a new and much anticipated booklet for parents, carers and family members. The booklet provides information about children’s rights and introduces the United Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
Message from Minister for Children and Young People on World Children’s Day
20th November 2022 by Clare Haughey MSP - Minister for Children and Young People
Dear Children and Young People of Scotland, I’m writing to you on World Children’s Day to emphasise the Scottish Government’s continued commitment to children’s rights, tell you about the progress we’re making to deliver your rights and to thank you for the part that you play in making human rights real in Scotland. We want...
Young Scot’s co-created UNCRC social media campaign
17th November 2022 by Shelly Coyne
In this blog Shelly reflects on being inspired by the young people she worked with co-designing an awareness raising social media campaign. She also shares how her perspective on children’s rights have changed and her feelings about participation, done well.
National Conversation on Dementia Strategy
11th November 2022 by Jen Swan
Scotland’s new dementia strategy is currently being developed. I recently caught up with Aidan and Sandhra from the Dementia Policy Unit within Scottish Government. We discussed how they are involving lived experience and other experts in the development of this new strategy, and how you can get involved too!
Scotland’s National Standards for Community Engagement
29th June 2022 by Jen Swan
We invited Paul Nelis from the Scottish Community Development Centre to explore the impact of Scotland’s National Standards for Community Engagement.
Creating open, democratic spaces, where people can engage with each other on an equal basis
24th May 2022 by Karen Lawson - Collaborative Learning Lead
An ‘open space’ event is a democratic way for people to host a discussion around a topic that they are interested in. Sometimes this is called an ‘Unconference’, as it’s the people who attend who create the agenda and who host the different sessions. Recently, we hosted an open space event around how we engage with young people.