Going live with our first customer using the Cloud Migration Service
2nd February 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Serena Nusing, Dragos Leonte, and Ross Clements, Cloud and Digital Services Division, Digital Directorate. A little over a year ago we kicked off our first pilot and started our journey to develop a new service for the Scottish Government (SG) and the wider public sector to migrate their applications, data, and workloads to...
MUDDI – A new standard for underground data
1st February 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Alexander Ramage, Head of Management Information Systems, Transport Scotland. My name is Alexander Ramage and I work in Transport Scotland as Head of Management Information Systems. As part of my role I work with the Data Standards Team in Digital Directorate as the Scottish Government representative to the Technical Committee of the Open...
Secure your place at CivTech Demo Day 6 now!
17th January 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
CivTech will host its annual ‘Demo Day’ online on Tuesday 8 February, streaming live from the Assembly Rooms in Central Edinburgh. CivTech was launched in 2016 by the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate, in partnership with the Economy Directorate. It is commonly regarded as the world’s first Government-run accelerator for digital public services and has a...
Making our first payments using the Payments Service
17th January 2022 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Alasdair Murray, Business Analyst, Cloud And Digital Services Division. On Wednesday 8th December, the SG Payments Service, which is operated by the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate, successfully processed its first payroll run for Independent Living Fund Scotland (ILF Scotland). While it’s a cause for celebration, we know that it’s only the tip of...
Running a data maturity assessment project
20th December 2021 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Sally Kerr, Project Manager, Data Standards team. My name is Sally Kerr and I am a Project Manager in the Digital Directorate’s, Data Standards team. An important part of my role in the team is the development of Data Transformation Framework. Data transformation is the journey towards improvement and increased capability in using...
From tiny acorns: delivering a new payments service
7th December 2021 by Stewart Hamilton
Hugh Wallace, Service Owner, Digital Directorate, talks about the build up to a significant milestone for Scottish Government’s payments service. It feels like a timely moment to be writing about Scottish Government’s payments service. It was almost three years ago to the day when a small team – just four of us at the time...
Reflections on the Women in Tech festival
3rd December 2021 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Sam Cox, Policy Officer, People, Strategy, and Corporate Services Division. Following my attendance at the recent Empowering Women to lead Digital Transformation course, I was offered a place at the Women in Tech festival, run by Scott Logic, which I was delighted to accept. The goals of the festival were for attendees to...
CivTech 6 – Challenge 12 update
24th November 2021 by Stewart Hamilton
Hi, my name is Shona Nicol, and I head up a team in the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate, that covers technical data policy and I’d like to give everyone an update on a CivTech Challenge that I’m sponsoring along with NatureScot and the Data and Intelligence Network. I have spoken about this project in a...
Reflections on our Digital and Climate Change COP 26 roundtable
17th November 2021 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Sam Cox, Policy Officer, People, Strategy, and Corporate Services Division. In my last blog post, I walked you through the work that we had been doing in the lead-up to our round table at COP26 and why this work is important. The roundtable took place on 2 November in Scotland’s Climate Ambition Zone...
Empowering Women to Lead Digital Transformation programme – Update
17th November 2021 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Sam Cox, Policy Officer, People, Strategy, and Corporate Services Division. At the end of my last blog post about my experience on the Empowering Women to Lead Digital Transformation programme, I had recently completed my first two face-to-face learning sessions, one coaching session, and a variety of collaborative team meetings surrounding our group...