Alpha review: University of Stirling guest post
1st October 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a guest post from Kathy McCabe, Stacie Lindsay and Ryan Kaye from the University of Stirling When the University of Stirling were given the opportunity to feedback our views on alpha, my colleagues and I jumped at the chance – this was our opportunity to help shape a service that will put the people...
The vast potential of digital public services
24th September 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is our first guest blog post by Kathryn Wane, Policy Officer at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO). More public services are going digital. It’s time to ask “what would you like to do online?” Let’s be ambitious! I’m guessing you’re online or else you wouldn’t be reading this blog. So as you’re...
- glossary
21st September 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Donald Izuagba, one of our Business Analysts within the team This glossary is a summary of key phrases used in the development of If you’d like to know more about a term that’s not covered here, please let us know.
Five principles for generating usable user research
9th September 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Cat Macaulay, our User Research Lead and is part of our series on Standards & Guidelines Building a user research practice into a large and complex project like is a pretty daunting task. So as we start out on this journey, we wanted to try and give ourselves some...
Dipping into design – composition fundamentals
8th September 2014 by Jono Ellis
Design elements describe basic ideas around the practice of good visual design. These elements include colour, shape, texture and space. I’m going to dip into an aspect of this, exploring some fundamentals of composition, as this helps set the scene for the work we will be doing / have done so far. We started with composition and typography – our fundamentals...
Security within agile environments
5th September 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Neil Campbell, our Information Security Officer and is part of our series on Standards & Guidelines Security within agile environments can be challenging. There’s a need to juggle a large number of competing factors including velocity, compliance requirements, ambitions around user experience and adherence to standards – all while maintaining...
From a to b (alpha to beta)
5th September 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Peter Smith, Product Owner for Alpha and Beta Alpha is now live and in use. So far we’ve had over 44,000 page views and 1,800 users visit the site. We anticipate this to increase when we make a more formal public release from November.
Architectural concepts: a quality attributes overview
29th August 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Graham Beedie, our Technical Architect and is part of our series on Standards & Guidelines We know designing and building high quality software is tough. The ability to define and measure the quality of delivered software is a desired, but all too often unmet ambition. In order to fully explain what we mean...
Consistent content style, saying goodbye to jargon
27th August 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is a post by Rachel Caldwell, our Content Designer (NHS 24) and is part of our series on Standards & Guidelines Have you ever gone to a website looking for answers, started reading what’s there, and quickly felt like you need a translator to make sense of all the jargon? It’s a common complaint....
Defining our work for standards and guidelines, an introduction
11th August 2014 by Jono Ellis
This is post by Calum Shepherd, our Head of Digital Strategy and is part of our series on Standards & Guidelines The term standard can mean different things when used by different people, so it’s important we are clear about our usage with you. We have opted not to use standards as a single way of describing material created...