
  • ScotPayments Design in Action (Part 1: Introduction) 

    15th May 2024 by

    Blog by Fiona MacLellan and Cal Marr to celebrate ScotPayments milestones including £40 million with our Design in Action blog post series.  Our team have a few milestones to celebrate this week! On 15 May 2024  ScotPayments service processed our 100th payment run, which means we’ve sent over £40million across 20,000 payments since we launched…

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  • Service design and COTS products

    24th February 2022 by

    Blog by Serena Nusing, Senior Service Designer, Digital Directorate. Often, when organisations start a new IT project or require new software, there is a question about whether to build the solution themselves or to buy it. When it comes to the buying option, organisations are then often presented with a Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) product that…

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  • The Truth of Designing Services

    12th November 2021 by

    In this blog Sam Ernstzen, Digital Service Standard Assessor within Scottish Government’s Directorate for Internal Audit and Assurance, and Serena Nusing, Senior Service Designer, based within Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate share with you five truths about designing services.  Being experienced service designers we see very common things across projects. We thought sharing what we see…

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  • Making the most of user research findings

    14th July 2021 by

    Blog post co-written by Mark Daniels, Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek, Daniel Migliorelli and Fiona Wragg In this blog post, Mark Daniels,  Daniel Migliorelli and Fiona Wragg who work in the Digital Transformation Division of the Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate and Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek who works in Social Security Directorate share discovery findings showing that standardised processes for sharing…

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  • Get involved with Services Week 2021

    19th February 2021 by

    Sam Ernstzen and Serena Nusing, service designers in the Digital Directorate, are bringing Services Week to Scottish Government. Services Week is happening from 1st to 5th March and is open for everyone to participate and attend for free. Services Week is a series of cross-government events initiated by Government Digital Services (GDS) that look at…

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  • Update to Digital First Service Standard

    15th February 2021 by

    Find out what’s changed and what it means for teams delivering public services.   We’ve updated the Digital First Service Standard. The updated standard is now called the Digital Scotland Service Standard, with a new, risk-based approach to assessment being developed by the Digital Assurance Office to be confirmed in April. The Digital First Service…

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  • SG payments project – Keep on collaborating

    30th September 2020 by

    Blog by Fiona Maclellan, Senior Service Designer, Product and Commercial Division. The SG payments project has taken a user-centred approach since it began in 2018. This has involved working closely with users through the Discovery phase, our Alpha build and as we prepare for our next phase. We recently posted about the project’s progress, and…

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  • SG Payments Alpha & beyond

    12th August 2020 by

    Blog by Fiona Maclellan, Senior Service Designer, Product and Commercial Division. In 2019 we announced our payments project and introduced the team working on it. Since then we’ve not given you an update on this blog, but that doesn’t mean things have stood still. We’ve been busy building a prototype digital service, as an Alpha…

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  • Scottish Approach to Service Design: Creating Conditions for Change

    3rd July 2019 by

    This blog is by Dr Dhruv Sharma, User Reaserch Lead at the Scottish Government. Amongst all the exciting stuff I do within Scottish Government’s Office of the Chief Designer, one crucial part of my job is replying to the question, “so, what does Scottish Approach to Service Design actually mean?”   Thankfully we now have…

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  • Making events more accessible: return of the inclusion form

    21st February 2019 by

    Dr Philip J Kirk, Senior User Researcher in the Digital Directorate shares an update on the work the Office of the Chief Designer is doing to help make events more accessible. As an organisation providing services for citizens, we’re responsible for making sure research and design activities are inclusive and accessible. This includes making sure…

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