Funeral Industry News
Travel for Funerals Not Impacted by New Restrictions
21st December 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The travel restrictions announced on Saturday evening by the First Minister and Prime Minister will prevent cross border travel between Scotland and other parts of the UK and vice versa. However, the move to Level 4 from 26 December will not change the current position on travelling to attend or conduct a funeral. People will continue...
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA): Funerals Market Investigation
18th December 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has concluded its market investigation into funeral services in the UK which was launched in June 2018. The final report was published on Friday 18 December 2020 containing its analysis of, and remedies for, the sector. You can read the final report here.
Appointment of Inspectors of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors
11th December 2020 by funeral-industry-news
Joe FitzPatrick, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing has appointed two Inspectors of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors. Robert Swanson QPM is appointed as Senior Inspector of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors and Professor Gordon Findlater is appointed as Inspector of Burial, Cremation and Funeral Directors. Their appointments are effective immediately. Members of the...
COVID-19: Modelling the Epidemic in Scotland
3rd December 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The Scottish Government issues a weekly report on the modelling of the spread and level of COVID-19 in Scotland. The reports are available to view and download here. Modelling allows us to make short-term forecasts of what may happen with a degree of uncertainty. These can be of use in health care and wider public...
Temporary Changes to the Death Certification Review Service
24th November 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The Death Certification Review Service (DCRS), run by Healthcare Improvement Scotland, checks on the accuracy of a sample of Medical Certificates of Cause of Death (MCCDs); also referred to as Form 11. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on clinical services, the review of randomised MCCD and Interested Person Reviews, were temporarily suspended...
COVID-19 Sector-Specific Guidance: A Chance To Give Feedback
23rd November 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The Scottish Government is running a short project to improve their COVID-19 guidance. To inform this work, we are specifically seeking views from people who use our sector-specific guidance. In order to get your valuable feedback, a short survey has been launched which runs to midnight on Sunday 29 November. Please take a few...
11 areas of Scotland move into Level 4 and travel restrictions come into force
20th November 2020 by funeral-industry-news
From 6pm today (20 November 2020) 11 local authority areas in Scotland will move into Level 4 of the Scottish Government’s Local Protection Levels. More information on which areas of Scotland will move to Level 4 can be found here . Two local authority areas will move from level 3 to Level 2 and the...
Main Guidance Documents Updated In Advance Of Monday 2 November
30th October 2020 by funeral-industry-news
Today (30 October) we have updated our 3 main guidance documents for the funeral industry: the funeral director guidance; funeral services guidance; and burial and cremation authorities guidance. Each has been updated to account for the new system of local protection levels, which will be introduced from Monday 2 November. Scotland’s Strategic Framework sets out the...
First Minister Sets Out Scotland’s New Strategic Framework
23rd October 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The First Minister today (23 October) launched Scotland’s new Strategic Framework for managing and supressing COVID-19. The framework is available here and will take effect from Monday 2 November, following a parliamentary debate and vote next week. The Strategic Framework is rooted in tackling the four harms we know the virus causes; risk to life...
The National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) Pandemic Response Planning Guide 2nd Edition Available Now
20th October 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The NAFD originally made their Pandemic Response Planning Guide available for all funeral directors back in March 2020. They have recently released the 2nd edition of the guide this October, which has again been made available to both NAFD members and non-members alike. There are a number of supporting documents to accompany the guide. These...