Health and Social Care
Voices of community health and social care: Jennifer’s story
3rd July 2023 by healthsocialcare
Over the course of the past year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service. Jennifer is the Lead Podiatrist...
Voices of community health and social care: John’s story
27th June 2023 by healthsocialcare
Over the course of the past year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service. John has a condition...
Voices of community health and social care: Alison’s story
15th June 2023 by healthsocialcare
Over the course of the last year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service. Alison is an occupational...
Voices of community health and social care: Genevieve’s story
6th June 2023 by healthsocialcare
Over the course of the past year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service. Genevieve Smith is the...
An update on how we are designing the Charter of Rights and Responsibilities
25th May 2023 by healthsocialcare
We need a community health, social care and social work system that delivers for everyone in Scotland. We are working alongside the people who use and deliver services, and the organisations that represent them to achieve this – we call this process co-design. We want to update you on how we are co-designing the Charter...
Voices of community health and social care: Gareth’s story
28th April 2023 by healthsocialcare
Over the course of the past year, we have been up and down the country filming for our Voices campaign. We have heard from people who use and work in community health and social care, listening to their experiences and how this has shaped their hopes for the National Care Service. Gareth is in his...
My first update as Women’s Health Champion
25th April 2023 by Professor Anna Glasier
As most of you will be aware, I took up my post as Women’s Health Champion at the end of January. I know that many of you were looking forward to someone taking up the post and so I thought you might like to know what I have been doing since I started, and how...
How the National Care Service can best meet the needs of LGBTI+ people
13th April 2023 by healthsocialcare
LGBT Health and Wellbeing is an organisation which promotes the health, wellbeing and equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBTI+) adults in Scotland. Rebecca Hoffman, Policy and Research Officer writes about how the National Care Service can best meet the needs of LGBTI+ people. It is vital that the Scottish Government’s new National Care Service...
Putting People with Lived Experience at the Heart of Building Scotland’s National Care Service
16th March 2023 by Luke Jeavons
We have said from the beginning that the National Care Service (NCS) will be designed by people with personal lived experience of accessing or delivering community health and social care support. People with ‘lived experience’ are experts in what works, and what doesn’t. Their experiences and ideas are essential to ensuring we make the right...
Why is data so important for the National Care Service?
31st January 2023 by healthsocialcare
Consistently collecting data will be essential to the success of the National Care Service. The National Care Service (Scotland) Bill includes a provision to allow Scottish Ministers to set information standards and ensure that the NCS and NHS bodies and their contractors comply with these. At the moment social care data is currently collected in many ways across Scotland....