Written 13 posts
Fisheries Bill amendments
19th June 2020
The full list of Scottish Government amendments to the Fisheries Bill.
Angling restrictions eased
29th May 2020
Angling will be permitted from Friday 29 May as part of phase one of the easing of lockdown restrictions.
Smartfish H2020 collaborations
14th February 2020
Scientists gathered in Aberdeen for SmartFish H2020 an important collaborative four-year project on fishing technology, led by SINTEF (Norway) and featuring key contributions from Marine Scotland Science.
Testing technology in the fishing sector
12th February 2020
An international research project that is developing, testing and promoting new technology systems in the fishing sector is being trialled in Scottish waters by Marine Scotland scientists.
Big Bang prize for student work
21st March 2012
Mairi Bell of Hazlehead Academy wowed the judges at The Big Bang National Science & Engineering Fair in Birmingham last week with her project on diagnosing embryo abnormalities in Zooplankton, which form important components of marine food webs and changes in their abundance can assess the health of the marine ecosystem.
Break in sampling – back to normal
7th November 2011
Sampling was completed at Stonehaven this week by Matthew Geldart and Katy Urquhart for the first time in three weeks for a whole series of reasons. The Temora is no different to any other machine and requires maintenance to be carried out at regular intervals. The jobs this time around however required the vessel to…
Coastal Monitoring sites at Stonehaven and Loch Ewe
4th October 2011
There has been a training programme going on at Stonehaven and at the laboratory, to train a significant number of new personnel and ensure that techniques and procedures are of a high standard. This is going very well although the poor weather at sea has caused quite a bit of disruption to the sampling programme….
Visitors from Australia
23rd August 2011
On returning to port after completing the standard climate change monitoring sampling the Temora was met by a retired couple who were very obviously on holiday. They were Mr and Mrs Mc Clellan who live approx ten kilometres outside Temora in New South Wales in Australia. While researching their holiday in Scotland on the internet,…
What to do if you have found a non native species
18th August 2011
Non-native species (or “alien species”) are introduced outside of their natural past or present distribution – sometimes by human action. The term, Non-native species cover a wide range of different species from microscopic animals and plants to quite large species such as seaweeds, sea squirt, and crustaceans. Marine Scotland Science has prepared a document that…
ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium Presentations
20th May 2011
In a previous post, we mentioned that several talks and posters were going to be presented at the ICES/NAFO Deacadal Symposium held in May. The overall purpose of the symposium was to improve the understanding of hydro-biological variability between 2000 and 2009 in the North Atlantic. Several presentations and posters were provided by Marine Scotland…